in Literatos4 months ago



Vengo de verte
pero no estabas
te ví solo en mi pensamiento
para saber de tí
solo caminé hasta allá
sintiendo a cada paso
para encontrarte
y me encontré conmigo
contigo dentro de mí.

Anduve bastante rato
mirando de un lado a otro
y solo veía ilusiones
ilusiones de besarte
ilusiones de amarte
ilusiones de abrazarte
ilusiones de estar contigo.

Nunca me rendí
porque sé que allí estabas
sentada en mis pensamientos
noble y sincera
como siempre lo fuiste
cuando en verdad
podía tocarte sin soñarte
porque eras real
hoy te sueño
y te siento real como siempre.



I came from seeing you
but you weren't there
I saw you alone in my thoughts
to know about you
I just walked there
feeling at every step
to find you
and I found myself
with you inside me.

I walked for a while
looking from one side to the other
and I only saw illusions
illusions of kissing you
illusions of loving you
illusions of hugging you
illusions of being with you.

I never gave up
because I know you were there
sitting in my thoughts
noble and sincere
as you always were
when I really
could touch you without dreaming of you
because you were real
today I dream of you
and I feel you real as always.



Muy lindo su poema, impregnado de una gran sensibilidad. Saludos

Muchas gracias, apreciado amigo @felpach


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