( Esp- Eng) A mí madre / To my mother.

in Literatos10 days ago

Me mira y sonríe, me abraza y me besa, muestra su mejor sonrisa despreocupada, aunque su mente es una constante guerra. Ella se está yendo de a poco y lo sé, creo que ella también. Aunque ausente, siento su ternura. Quiere seguir su camino. Deja, poco a poco, pequeñas huellas, dulces recuerdos, tristes despertares. Extraña su presencia y yo extraño a ambos. Está, siente, deambula en su mundo lleno de falacias, recuerdos confusos y fantasías. No sabe creer cuando todo es nuevo. Sueña, me besa otra vez, vuelve a sentir. ¡No te vayas, mamá!

English version

She looks at me and smiles, she hugs and kisses me, showing her most carefree smile, even though her mind is a constant battle. She is leaving little by little, and I know it; I think she does too. Even in her absence, I feel her tenderness. She wants to follow her path. Slowly, she leaves behind small traces, sweet memories, and sad awakenings. She misses her presence, and I miss both of them. She exists, she feels, she wanders in her world full of deceptions, confused memories, and fantasies. She doesn’t know how to believe when everything is new. She dreams, she kisses me again, she feels once more. Don’t go, Mom!

Tanslation to English in Google


Tiernas palabras. Saludos.

Muchas gracias. Saludos igualmente para usted.


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