(Esp-Eng)Aquellos que han amado/ Those who have loved

in Literatos5 days ago

Solo aquellos que han amado comprenderán la dificultad de un corazón roto, cuyo dolor tiene rostro y cada suspiro es un recuerdo.

Solo aquellos que han amado sabrán que en cada latido hay un recuerdo y en cada sonrisa, un destello de lo que fue.

Solo aquellos que han amado entenderán lo imposible que es olvidar.

Solo aquellos que han amado buscarán consuelo en quienes menos merecen ser reemplazos.

Amar sin ser correspondido duele, pero aún más doloroso es vivir sin haber intentado amar.

English version:

Only those who have loved will understand the difficulty of a broken heart, whose pain has a face and every sigh is a memory.

Only those who have loved will know that in every heartbeat there is a memory and in every smile, a glimpse of what once was.

Only those who have loved will understand how impossible it is to forget.

Only those who have loved will seek comfort in those who least deserve to be replacements.

Loving without being loved back hurts, but even more painful is living without having tried to love.


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