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En casa
Estacionó su auto, respiró hondo y bajó. El trabajo había sido duro, por lo cual se sintió feliz de llegar, por fin, a su hogar. Antes de entrar miró a los enormes ventanales del segundo piso y notó que las luces estaban apagadas. Caminó hasta un costado de la propiedad y, para su sorpresa, de igual forma las del resto de la casa. «Creí haberlas encendido antes de salir» pensó, sin embargo no le dio importancia. Últimamente era muy olvidadizo, así que no le extrañó que aquello fuese una jugarreta de su mente.
No obstante, cuando cruzó el umbral de la entrada, notó de inmediato que algunos cuadros y adornos estaban en posiciones diferentes, como si alguien los hubiese movido.
—¿Kelly, estás aquí? —preguntó en voz baja, casi susurrando. A veces su novia, quien tenía llave, llegaba antes que él y lo esperaba dentro. De pronto escuchó un ruido, «mi cuarto»
—Kelly, si es un juego no estoy de humor —dijo. En su tono de voz había una mezcla de enojo y miedo. Miedo que derivó en otro pensamiento: «Podría ser un ladrón». Se armó con un bate y subió a su habitación.
Con una delicadeza extrema en cada paso, que ni siquiera alertaría al más atento rufián, y apretando el bate entre sus manos, dispuesto a todo, se acercó cada vez más al cuarto, deseando que todo fuera una simple consecuencia de su paranoia, o de la fatiga laboral.
Faltándole un escaso metro para tocar la puerta de su cuarto, comenzó a escuchar ruidos que rápidamente identificó como risas. Entonces se apresuró, de un brinco cortó el tramo que le faltaba y abrió la puerta de golpe.
Allí las luces estaban encendidas, sobre la gran cama dos niñas brincaban de un lado al otro, lanzándose almohadas y riendo a carcajadas.
—¡Papá! —gritó una de ellas cuando lo vio, y ambas corrieron a abrazarlo. Él cayó de rodillas y las abrazó a las dos.
—¿Te quedarás con nosotras a jugar? —preguntó la otra.
—Sí... claro —respondió él al instante —. Pero antes, déjenme ir a buscar un vaso de agua.
Salió de la habitación lentamente, mientras todo su cuerpo temblaba como una gelatina. Al alejarse unos cuantos metros corrió, apenas alcanzó a coger las llaves de su auto, lo encendió y aceleró sin destino fijo. Él no tenía hijas, ni idea de quiénes eran esas niñas. Aquella noche decidió que se mudaría de lugar.
Juan Pavón Antúnez
In home
He parked his car, took a deep breath and got out. The work had been hard, so he was happy to be home at last. Before entering, he looked up at the huge windows on the first floor and noticed that the lights were off. He walked to the side of the property and, to his surprise, so were the lights in the rest of the house. "I thought I turned them on before I left," he thought, but didn't think anything of it. He had been very forgetful of late, so he was not surprised that this was a trick of his mind.
However, when he crossed the threshold of the entrance, he immediately noticed that some of the paintings and decorations were in different positions, as if someone had moved them.
"Kelly, are you here?" he asked quietly, almost whispering. Sometimes his girlfriend, who had a key, arrived before him and waited for him inside. Suddenly he heard a noise, "my room".
"Kelly, if it's a game I'm not in the mood", he said. In his tone of voice there was a mixture of anger and fear. Fear that led to another thought: "It could be a burglar". He armed himself with a bat and went up to his room.
With extreme delicacy in every step, which would not alert even the most attentive ruffian, and clenching the bat in his hands, ready for anything, he crept closer and closer to the room, hoping that it was all a simple consequence of his paranoia, or of work fatigue.
Just a few feet from knocking on the door of his room, he began to hear noises that he quickly identified as laughter. Then he hurried, jumped up, cut the missing step and pushed open the door.
There the lights were on, and on the big bed two girls were bouncing up and down, throwing pillows at each other and laughing loudly.
"Daddy!" cried one of them when she saw him, and they both ran to embrace him. He fell to his knees and hugged them both.
"Will you stay and play with us?", asked the other.
"Yes... of course", he answered instantly. "But first, let me get a glass of water".
He left the room slowly, his whole body shaking like jelly. A few metres away, he ran, barely managed to grab the keys to his car, started it up and sped off with no fixed destination. He had no daughters, no idea who these girls were. That night he decided that he would move out.
Translated with help from DeepL
Juan Pavón Antúnez
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