Retazo 40/PatchWork 40

in Literatos3 months ago

Muchas personas intentan hacerte pagar la factura de su sufrimiento. Incluso tú. Incluso yo.

Vemos el mundo, vemos la vida, y el sufrimiento que nos causa debe pagarlo alguien, sea o no sea responsable, esté o no esté relacionado. Hay una factura; ha de haber un pagador.

Empreñando a unos y otros para resolver nuestros dolores en una huida hacia un futuro que nos llene; o que, al menos, sustituya este presente que nos ahoga por otro presente que, viéndolo como liberador, será el mismo verdugo con la misma cara.

Ese verdugo tendrá la misma cara, ese verdugo tendrá nuestra misma cara.

Many people try to make you pay the bill for their suffering. Even you. Even me.

We see the world, we see life, and the suffering it causes us must be paid by someone, whether or not they are responsible, whether or not they are related. There is a bill; there must be a payer.

By pawning one another to resolve our pain in an escape towards a future that fulfills us; or that, at least, replaces this present that suffocates us with another present that, seeing it as liberating, will be the same executioner with the same face.

That executioner will have the same face, that executioner will have the same face as us.



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