La mina Yor - The Yor Mine 📖✨📝 poesía intertextual - intertextual poetry

in Literatos4 years ago

Regards, Hive Blog community.💓

Today I want to share with you a poem that I sent to a contest a couple of years ago, to write the text I used a literary-linguistic resource called "intertextuality", personally this type of references are extremely fun for the reader who has been adding readings, and it is like a challenge to discover those references that appear "within" a text.

Literature is plagued by these types of resources and that is why at the beginning it is not so easy to understand a text in its entirety. Therefore, for those who read me today I will give you clues, for a next occasion it would be spectacular if you would tell me what you associated with my text.

The first clue is "Yor" which is a character that appears in Michael Ende's novel "The Endless Story". The second track is an epigraph from José Lezama Lima, a Cuban writer.

Saludos, comunidad de Hive Blog.💓

Hoy quiero compartirles un poema que envíe a un concurso hace un par de años, para escribir el texto me valí de un recurso literario - lingüístico denominado "intertextualidad", personalmente este tipo de referencias son sumamente divertidas para el lector que ha ido sumando lecturas, y es como un reto descubrir esas refencias que aparecen "dentro" de un texto.

La literatura está plagada por este tipo de recursos y por eso al inicio no es tan sencillo comprender en la totalidad un texto. Por eso, para quienes me lean hoy les daré pistas, para una próxima ocasión sería espectacular que ustedes me comentarán con que asociaron mi texto.

La primera pista es "Yor" el cual es un personaje que aparece en la novela de Michael Ende titulada "la historia sin fin". La segunda pista es un epígrafe de José Lezama Lima, un escritor cubano.


Fuente / source pixabay

Hoy les brindo este formato porque quiero que obtengan este poema como lo idee.









Fuente / source pixabay

Yor's mine.

Denial of time achieved in the dream, where not
only the time, but the dimension disappear.
Blessed are the ephemeral that we can contemplate on
movement as an image of eternity and remain absorbed
in the parable of the arrow until its burial in the line
from the horizon.
Jose Lezama Lima
H. We have found ourselves because old age demands, it makes us soft. You see, every year in
this place is heavy and dizzying. It's not just life passing by, it's dreams
also with his questions and a succession of image-amulet.
Yor, let me stay in your mine
he mercifully lets me in
I extract memories
of the deep chambers, no light
I want to know what color
is that stone
I know it's smooth
I feel the slab
it curves
with slits
haunts me
I am not satisfied with the dark
take me to the place
I hallucinate with amber, and a
spreading saline
I have NEVER been able to be
I always want it, and the time
and that peculiar space does not allow it.
Tell me, what did you look for there? Yor
In other time
I walked corridors flooded with a mauve light
I saw photos
have faded into memory
of the whole journey, I saw
a room, which had a pan in its center.
Everything is mauve
like the flower of apamate.
Apamate is clarity.
sweet happines
to live.
The dawn illuminated, flowered
White screen of infinite dots,
they appear, I count them
I return to tranquility to
between the cables
with no one watching
Because, you will understand H., I still fear the flight
the big jump.

En el minuto 9.26 puedes verme y escucharme recitando el poema.
At minute 9.26 you can see and hear me reciting the poem in spanish.

If you read to the end, I appreciate your time. I hope to read his comments. Hugs from the tropics.
A greetings send you, a flower of apamate.

Si leíste hasta el final, te agradezco tu tiempo. Espero leer sus comentarios. Abrazos desde el trópico.
Un saludos les envía, una flor de apamate.


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