I've decided to change the BLUX bash to 1x per day, not 2x as originally planned. This decision comes partially from a bug in bree.js not fully supporting the "later" syntax. The only way to do it would be to copy and paste all the code into a new job, maintaining 2 files instead of one. This is no problem, but I think it's best to keep things simple and be able to make quick changes for testing purposes. This is also more accurate to how we'll run most of our 1x daily tasks, like PURPLE payments to Top Charts.
(This is the way the BLUX bash has been going since it wen't live, so nothing will change.)
Also I do want to point out that this means that the BLUX bash will run longer, and you can accumulate more invite points. Invite points are cumulative, so one invite today is 1+ BLUX, every day until the budget runs out, and it's a big budget. So get your Invite code out there for a steady stream of BLUX.
I will update the site accordingly.