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RE: У Ковка Героев Проблема с Масштабом / Hero Forge has a Problem with Scale

Chilean Merlot. I figured I'd start with juice, see what needs to be improved in my process, then try with actual grapes next year. Whether or not I use my own grapes (growing all over the fence round the chicken garden) will depend on whether or not I can keep the songbirds from eating them.

As for the height-enhancing footwear, I may have a solution for you, assuming you can't find anything commercially available. Get two blocks of wood (or solid plastic, or hard rubber, whatever you want), cut them on a bandsaw to your desired profile, then stand on them, trace the outline of your feet, and then take them back to the bandsaw and cut along the lines you just drew. Those are your soles. I've wanted to make my own for the past six years, but who knows if that will ever happen.