Here is a screenshot of the Appics Post on their web explorer. The apx contract on telos has all the old steem actions (or hive) for upvote downvote flagpost delegate power up create post comment etc. Its very interesting to study as Ill go over later in the post.
Here is what the Mobile version looks like when viewing this post
Here is the contract @appics uses on telos now just apx
Posts can be seen through the block explorer here:
pcmdunc.apx is the telos appics account used for my account on appics,
Next we will signup again using a new telos .apx generated account and be named telokanda in appics app on telos main net, and use it as an official @telokanda @appics account from now on. Its going to be very smooth now that we know appics works great on telos, and a telokanda group in appics will be created, just like old times!! So you can hopefully even earn KANDA againbut on TLOS this time, just by using the telokanda hashtag inside appics! Or just by posting to earn APX/TLOS and using that to post proposals and ballots on the Telokanda DAO on
Here is the very interesting transaction ID for the "createPost" action done via my appics account i just posted from
As you can see just image links and content IDs are stored on chain while text content is not, however as data.scribe from has shown us, you can post 5K of data to the chain as much as you want with a small amount of telos NET staked.
Telos proposal on telos.decide using treasuries to view
Telos Proposal can also be viewed on mobile using OR the for ios and android