I don't understand the issue. Briefly quoting news articles is considered fair use. You're saying it's specifically the images? Any time you provide a hyperlink to a news article in a social media site, it includes the image for the thumbnail automatically for you - it's literally a built-in feature on Twitter, FaceBook, and other sites.
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Copying an Image is not a brief quotation. Photographers and artists spend a great deal of money to create good images.
The Fair Use exception to Copyright law is extremely complex. Putting the image as the lead in to your story implies that you either created the image or obtained permission to use the image from the copyright holder.
You would lose any lawsuit against your posts.
BTW: Social media sites get a barrage of copyright complaints. Most sites like Facebook and Youtube would give your account a copyright strike for the images.
HIVE has a downvote system to thwart copyright claims.
Facebooks gets away with showing images from web sites because they created a weird thing called the Open Graphics Protocol. OGP encourages web sites to create a graphical object to represent a page.
The stupid protocol does not explicitly specify what rights sites give up when they use the protocol.
Technically, Facebook does not republish the images. They publish an object specified by the owners of the images.
So, I wrote a post that asks the Hive community about their opinion of the Open Graph Protocol.
My understand of the protocol is that it simply creates an object that other sites can embed on pages that reference an article. The protocol does not release the image used in the object into the public domain.
Anyway, the way you published the images would not be interpreted as fair use. I don't know how courts would interpret the OG protocol. The OG protocol defines and object. Does including an image in an OG object automatically release the image into the public domain? It would be a landmark ruling if it did.