The echoes of 1984 and Handmaid's Tale are all too clear. Beware of those who divide people into 'them' and 'us'. They are all people and the US have every type of people. They will try to shut down any dissenting voices. We've seen it happen around the world. Okay so Biden was old and maybe out of touch, but I think he cared about keeping the country together.
since he can't run for a third term, I suspect he's just going to do was he pleases, without a care in the world. I also suspect some of these actions are smoke screens for things that we won't find out about until it's very very late.
The echoes of 1984 and Handmaid's Tale are all too clear. Beware of those who divide people into 'them' and 'us'. They are all people and the US have every type of people. They will try to shut down any dissenting voices. We've seen it happen around the world. Okay so Biden was old and maybe out of touch, but I think he cared about keeping the country together.
The world is watching.
since he can't run for a third term, I suspect he's just going to do was he pleases, without a care in the world. I also suspect some of these actions are smoke screens for things that we won't find out about until it's very very late.