Beneficiaries.In recognition of commitment, this time 20 % of the beneficiary rewards of this post again go to @anli. For more see the latest post on
Since our guild was established, 689k DEC has been sunk into our buildings. All currently listed members come to a combined 122k DEC of that. So 567k DEC are no longer listed and out of contention of our points list. I have mapped what this currently means for upgrades to our buildings in the following table:
DEC Contributions | Guild Total | This Level | Required | Difference Needed |
Guild Hall | 217k | 7k | 250k | 243k |
Arena | 113k | 3k | 100k | 97k |
Barracks | 113k | 3k | 100k | 97k |
Store | 246k | 36k | 250k | 214k |
Total | 689k | 49k | 700k | 651k |
The total number of DEC listed is 122k, which is only slightly more than the number of DEC needed for either an Arena or Barracks upgrade. Since I'm already late again today with my contribution, I'll leave it at that: Unless a few more players develop their very own strategy of using blogging for upgrades, for example, as just happened for our arena, we'll actually stay at the advanced level we're currently at for a while.
On the other hand, however, this observation opens another perspective. So much time may be: 567k DEC came from migrating players. That's enormous! However, for that to happen again, there would have to be more pressure on the back seats, wouldn't there? After all, our Guild Hall has been far too large for a long time already, so there is no pressure to invest. In addition, the few places for bronze and silver brawling do not offer enough room at all. This gives me some ideas, which I want to note here:
- Could a kind of rotation for the Frays be invented, in which an assignment could be auctionable? My vague idea is that whoever wants to play a Fray can bid for it against others? Again, this could take place during the first half of the preparation phase.
- It would even be conceivable that players with favorites would do this themselves and thus even have reason for blogging. This way, our guild procedures wouldn't even need to be changed. Quasi a second layer of procedures.
- Would it be a good idea to fill a few of the open guild slots with non-playing accounts? Even @unschoolingcoach or other sponsors could perhaps be brought in to do this? If those accounts are even active as sponsors, it wouldn't take a privilege to be in the guild at all, but simply a little activity to actively occupy the last few slots. This too might be a second layer of procedures.
Now I want to let this sink in. It's high time to send my teams in the ongoing brawl.
Here now is a battle from the 140th brawl from March 11 to 16 as my participation in the current Social Media Challenge with link to the Insta post and below our stats from the 136th brawl from February 18 to 23.
Here is a picture of this battle against @DOCTORTHROB. A quick win thanks to Katrelba Gobson.
Begünstigten.In Anerkennung von Engagement gehen diesmal 20 % Begünstigung dieses Beitrags wieder an @anli. Mehr darüber siehe den letzten Beitrag zu
Seit Gründung unserer Gilde wurden 689k DEC in unsere Gebäude versenkt. Alle derzeit gelisteten Mitglieder kommen auf gemeinsam 122k DEC davon. 567k DEC sind also nicht mehr gelistet und außer Konkurenz unserer Punkte-Liste. Was dies derzeit für Upgrades unserer Gebäude bedeutet, habe ich in folgender Tabelle abgebildet:
DEC Contributions | Guild Total | This Level | Required | Difference Needed |
Guild Hall | 217k | 7k | 250k | 243k |
Arena | 113k | 3k | 100k | 97k |
Barracks | 113k | 3k | 100k | 97k |
Store | 246k | 36k | 250k | 214k |
Total | 689k | 49k | 700k | 651k |
Die Anzahl gelisteter DEC ist mit insgesamt 122k nur ein wenig größer, als die Anzahl DEC, die für entweder ein Arena oder ein Barracks Upgrade gebraucht werden. Nachdem ich heute bereits wieder spät dran bin mit meinem Beitrag, will ich es dabei mal belassen: Wenn nicht ein paar mehr Mitspieler ihre ganz eigene Strategie entwickeln, beispielsweise Blogging für Upgrades zu nutzen, wie es grad neulich für unsere Arena passierte, werden wir tatsächlich noch eine Weile auf dem fortgeschrittenen Level bleiben, an dem wir derzeit sind.
Andererseits eröffnet diese Betrachtung jedoch noch eine weitere Perspektive. So viel Zeit darf sein: 567k DEC kamen von vorübergehenden Spielern. Das ist enorm! Damit das jedoch noch einmal passiert, müsste doch der Druck auf die hinteren Plätze steigen, oder? Denn unsere Gild Hall ist seit langem bereits viel zu groß, so dass es keinen Druck auf Investitionen gibt. Zudem bieten die wenigen Plätze zum Raufen in Bronze und Silber gar nicht genug Platz. Mir kommen dabei grad einige Ideen, die ich hier mal notieren will:
- Ließe sich eine Art Rotation für die Frays erfinden, in der eine Zuordnungen ersteigerbar sein könnte? Meine vage Vorstellung dabei ist, dass wer einen Fray spielen will, sich diesen ersteigern kann gegen andere? Auch das könnte erneut während der ersten Hälfte der Vorbereitungsphase stattfinden.
- Denkbar wäre sogar, dass Spieler mit Favoriten dies selbst tun und damit gar Anlass für Blogging hätten. So bräuchten unsere Gilden-Abläufe nichtmal verändert werden. Quasi eine zweite Ebene von Abläufen.
- Wäre es eine gute Idee, ein paar der offenen Gilden-Plätze mit nicht spielenden Konten zu belegen? Auch @unschoolingcoach oder andere Sponsoren ließen sich vielleicht dafür gewinnen? Wenn jene Konten gar als Sponsoren aktiv sind, bräuchte es dazu gar kein Privileg, um in der Gilde zu sein, sondern schlicht ein wenig Aktivität, um aktiv die letzten Plätzen zu belegen. Auch das quasi eine zweite Ebene von Abläufen.
Jetzt will ich das hier mal sacken lassen. Es wird höchste Zeit, in der laufenden Rauferei noch meine Teams zu senden.
Hier folgt nun ein Kampf aus der 140. Rauferei vom 11. bis 16. März als meine Teilnahme an der aktuellen Social Media Challenge mit Link zum Insta-Beitrag und unten unsere Statistik der 136. Rauferei vom 18. bis 23. Februar.
Oben ist ein Bild dieses Kampfes gegen @DOCTORTHROB. Ein schneller Sieg dank Katrelba Gobson.
My Battles
nice try poorly applied
connection problems lead to my surrender
nice win at no abilities
opponent too fast and dodgy
opponent too fast and flying
pending, fled
a stubborn team
1 against @SM-SKYNET
2 against @JACKKIN
3 against @Q105
4 against @BERNIEJADEN3
5 against @KYPDURRON
6 against @INVICTEX1
7 against @LUNARWOLF
8 against @BOLDYII
Your Battles
1 poorly lost against @kiji
2 a solid team against @duwends
3 an easy win against @szzc
4 strongly won with Possibilus the Wise against @double-time
5 lost despite Possibilus the Wise against @abukay
Prep Stage: Fray Assignments in Tier 2
# | Player | Power | C | R | E | L | Cards + Limits | League |
1 | @m0ssa99 | 18,625 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | all | Novice |
2 | @huuczu | 9,900 | 1 | 1 | 1 | 1 | Chaos Legion | Novice |
3 | @sodom-lv | 103,270 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | all | Bronze |
4 | @zekken555 | 686,926 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | all | Bronze |
5 | @xcryptogamer | 103,325 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | Chaos Legion | Bronze |
6 | @annijada | 22,270 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | Alpha/Beta/Promo/Reward | Bronze |
7 | @anjadani | 88,885 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | all | Silver |
8 | @anjanida | 214,995 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | all | Silver |
9 | @Zenokrom* | 71,350 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Chaos Legion | Silver |
10 | @anli | 245 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | Untamed/Dice/CL | Silver |
11 | - | - | 8 | 6 | 5 | 3 | all | Gold |
12 | - | - | 8 | 6 | 5 | 3 | Untamed/Dice/CL | Gold |
13 | @zidanejace | 19,780 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | GF all | Bronze |
14 | @zeeshannaqvi9th | 51,640 | 3 | 2 | 2 | 1 | GF Untamed/Dice/CL | Bronze |
15 | @sm-rules | 159,680 | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | GF all | Silver |
16 | - | - | 5 | 4 | 3 | 2 | GF Untamed/Dice/CL | Silver |
Guild #FHREE.org internal results
Points | Player | Power | Battles | Won | Lost | Draw | Cards | Fray |
18 | @sodom-lv | 103,270 | 7/7 | 6W | 1L | 0D | all | Bronze |
18 | @xcryptogamer | 103,325 | 8/8 | 6W | 2L | 0D | Chaos Legion | Bronze |
15 | @annijada | 22,270 | 5/5 | 5W | 0L | 0D | Alpha/Beta/Promo/Reward | Bronze |
15 | @Zenokrom | 71,350 | 7/7 | 5W | 2L | 0D | Chaos Legion | Silver |
15 | @zekken555 | 686,926 | 8/8 | 5W | 3L | 0D | all | Bronze |
12 | @zeeshannaqvi9th | 51,640 | 6/6 | 4W | 2L | 0D | GF Untamed/Dice/CL | Bronze |
9 | @anli | 245 | 5/5 | 3W | 2L | 0D | Untamed/Dice/CL | Silver |
9 | @huuczu | 9,900 | 8/8 | 3W | 5L | 0D | Chaos Legion | Novice |
9 | @anjanida | 214,995 | 8/8 | 3W | 5L | 0D | all | Silver |
7 | @m0ssa99 | 18,625 | 8/8 | 2W | 5L | 1D | all | Novice |
6 | @sm-rules | 159,680 | 5/5 | 2W | 3L | 0D | GF all | Silver |
6 | @anjadani | 88,885 | 8/8 | 2W | 6L | 0D | all | Silver |
0 | @zidanejace | 19,780 | 3/4 | 0W | 4L | 0D | GF all | Bronze |
ALL Guilds that participated in our brawl
Points | Name | Tag Line | Guild Rank | |
177 | DECipher's Clan😼 | We don't get the best. We create them. | #328 | Link |
139 | #FHREE.org | Team Self-Directed Education | #440 | Link |
132 | Digital Dash | #MoneyLovesSpeed | #367 | Link |
124 | 101 | - | #327 | Link |
123 | The Forgotten Legion | The Forgotten Fighters trying to reach Glory | #219 | Link |
120 | UpInSmoke | Not for the sensitive | #377 | Link |
117 | Boldizar's Domain I | - | #452 | Link |
102 | Summoner's Tribe Chaos | - | #744 | Link |
81 | Hall Of Göndul | The Society of the Dark Onyx | #225 | Link |
27 | Silver Shield | Our shields grow brighter and brighter | #648 | Link |
Finds and more (probably adding to this list during the next days)
- Way to often this list is empty. Share with us in the comments, what you recently have published or discovered.
- created/brawlreport for the whole show! And please share in the comments what you found. Or even better: Share a link to your comments on what you found!Look for the tag #brawlreport and look into
Wait a second. From only a couple of weeks and five blog posts I already contributed 22k. Why is it so hard for everyone to contribute more? !invest_vote
Yes, that's a good question. I guess everyone can only answer that for themselves. !invest_vote
That's probably true. Maybe someone will notice. Looking forward to the next brawl. Will be back here in 48 hours at the latest. !invest_vote
@anjanida denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anjanida thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
Thanks for the wake up call. Just got out then to make room for players. Is a pleasure to fill a spot as a sponsor again. But without Spellbook this obviously isn't possible anymore.
Oh, that's too bad! It needs other ideas again. It would be silly to spend an extra $10 on a spellbook. It could be fun, though. Is there anyone out there with a spellbook that isn't being used? !invest_vote
@anli denkt du hast ein Vote durch @investinthefutur verdient!@anli thinks you have earned a vote of @investinthefutur !
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Thanks for sharing! - @alokkumar121