Roses Are Red, book review/Las rosas son rojas, reseña de libro.

It's a well-planned and well-written book that got my nerves carried away. I never wanted to take my eyes off the book, as it was so interesting.


How would just one man hold people's hearts? A man of honor and a man everyone would take their problems to would be the mastermind of every wrong and evil plan. He is a man everyone would take their difficulties to. He is a man everyone fears and respects to the last level. An FBI agent who was supposed to take care of people's properties and lives.

Kyle Craig is a respectful FBI agent that everyone loves and regards. Going down to his mind was something no one could ever believe. He was to take on another job that involved multiple homicides. How would a detective get involved in a homicide? This was the wrong path Kyle had trended down.


Kyle felt he was the right person for the job in a case involving Brianne and Errol Parker. Kyle always does something that is termed a” clean job.". He does his job without anyone tracing him or having a trace of what he has done. He does not do the job himself; instead, he hires people who would do the job neatly and without a trace, and even when they trace it, they would not trace it to him.

This reminded me of a scene that happened in my town where the culprits were with a reputable company. He got involved in transporting the company's goods through some bodies. After doing this act for several years, he was caught, and everyone was shocked to see him as the mastermind of everything.

Kyle was just like a green snake in the green grass. He is like the maggot inside a kola nut, eating the kola nut deeply without the owner getting to know it. Kyle was the mastermind and the one who knew everything about any crimes going on in his domain. This was because he was deeply involved. He would know the plans of the FBI and would carry those he had sent along. They have never once been caught, as the police would arrive at the crime scene when the criminals were far gone.


Kyle Craig introduced another senior agent, Betsey Cavalierre, to come in when the homicide became too much. So they started tracing it, but it was very difficult because the mastermind was an insider (Kyle Craig) who knew their every move.

This means even if the president comes in, he would not still get to the route of the crime. He would just be there as someone who does not know his job.

After investigating the case for some time, Betsey Cavaliere was murdered brutally. The insider is truly succeeding with his criminal act and is so smart.

I kept on wondering how Kyle Craig would be caught. He has committed so many crimes that no one would even trace them to him. He has made all the crimes clean, and without anyone knowing, he has been the culprit.

I can strongly relate this act in this novel to what is happening out there. I felt the writer has known or has experienced something like this happening to someone close to him.

I was so mad to see that the story did not end here; instead, it has a part.

My thought is for you all to go read this book as it will help you in terms of how to get criminal of the highest order.

The book cover has tore and I was able to get the title of it. So, the above images are taken by me

I was able to get that part of it.

Thanks for stopping by...


Es un libro bien planificado y bien escrito que me dejó llevar los nervios. Nunca quise quitar la vista del libro, ya que era muy interesante.


¿Cómo podría un solo hombre conquistar el corazón de la gente? Un hombre de honor y un hombre al que todos llevarían sus problemas sería el cerebro de cada plan malvado y equivocado. Es un hombre al que todo el mundo le llevaría sus dificultades. Es un hombre que todo el mundo teme y respeta hasta el último nivel. Un agente del FBI que se suponía que debía cuidar las propiedades y las vidas de las personas.

Kyle Craig es un agente del FBI respetuoso al que todos quieren y respetan. Bajar a su mente era algo que nadie podría creer jamás. Iba a asumir otro trabajo que involucraba múltiples homicidios. ¿Cómo se involucraría un detective en un homicidio? Este era el camino equivocado que Kyle había tomado.


Kyle sintió que era la persona adecuada para el trabajo en un caso que involucraba a Brianne y Errol Parker. Kyle siempre hace algo que se denomina "trabajo limpio". Hace su trabajo sin que nadie lo rastree o tenga rastro de lo que ha hecho. No hace el trabajo él mismo; en cambio, contrata a personas que harían el trabajo. limpiamente y sin dejar rastro, e incluso cuando lo rastrearan, no lo rastrearían hasta él.

Esto me recordó una escena que ocurrió en mi ciudad donde los culpables estaban con una empresa de renombre. Se involucró en el transporte de mercancías de la empresa a través de unas carrocerías. Después de hacer este acto durante varios años, fue atrapado y todos se sorprendieron al verlo como el cerebro de todo.

Kyle era como una serpiente verde en la hierba verde. Es como el gusano dentro de una nuez de cola, comiéndose la nuez de cola profundamente sin que el dueño se dé cuenta. Kyle era el cerebro y el que sabía todo sobre cualquier crimen que ocurriera en su dominio. Esto se debió a que estaba profundamente involucrado. Conocería los planes del FBI y llevaría consigo los que había enviado. Nunca fueron capturados, ya que la policía llegaba a la escena del crimen cuando los delincuentes ya habían desaparecido.


Kyle Craig presentó a otra agente senior, Betsey Cavalierre, para que interviniera cuando el homicidio fuera demasiado. Entonces comenzaron a rastrearlo, pero fue muy difícil porque el autor intelectual era un informante (Kyle Craig) que conocía cada uno de sus movimientos.

Esto significa que incluso si el presidente entra, no llegará a la ruta del crimen. Simplemente estaría allí como alguien que no conoce su trabajo.

Después de investigar el caso durante algún tiempo, Betsey Cavaliere fue brutalmente asesinada. El informante realmente está teniendo éxito con su acto criminal y es muy inteligente.

Seguí preguntándome cómo atraparían a Kyle Craig. Ha cometido tantos crímenes que nadie siquiera los rastrearía hasta él. Ha dejado limpios todos los crímenes y, sin que nadie lo sepa, él ha sido el culpable.

Puedo relacionar fuertemente este acto en esta novela con lo que está sucediendo ahí fuera. Sentí que el escritor supo o experimentó que algo así le sucediera a alguien cercano a él.

Me enojé tanto al ver que la historia no terminaba aquí; en cambio, tiene una parte.

Mi idea es que todos ustedes lean este libro, ya que les ayudará a convertirse en criminales del más alto nivel.

La portada del libro se rompió y pude conseguir el título. Entonces, las imágenes de arriba fueron tomadas por mí

Pude conseguir esa parte.

Gracias por pasar...


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Me encantan las fotos porque de alguna manera los libros algo viejos y desgastados me traen nostalgia; mi abuelo tenía un montón de libros así.

En cuanto a la historia, me parece bastante interesante y entretenida de leer. Buscaré este libro para leerlo.

¡Gracias por compartir!

Wow... Who knew a book titled Roses are Red could ever exist? It's a crime novel which makes me so interested. From your review, it sounds similar to 'Along came a spider'. You can check it out. It's a really nice book.
Nice review you have there💕

Wow, that's an interesting story. For me, maybe Kyle was unexpectedly caught because one of his people involved in ta cased were secretly did something against him behind his back (just my own opinion). 😌