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RE: Nietzsche and the Nazis: A Really Interesting Book by Stephen Hicks

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

Thanks for the reference to Lothrop Stoddard. New to me, although I have done a bit of reading on the eugenics movement in the U.S. Some very 'respectable', mainstream voices were active in it. As a matter of fact, no lesser voice than Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes gave it legitimacy in 1927 when he declared from the Supreme Court bench, "Three generations of imbeciles is enough" (Bell v Buck). With that judgement he gave his blessing to forced sterilization.

Stoddard, unfortunately, sounds very contemporary. I hear such sentiments expressed daily in public forums (in the U. S. ).

I appreciate that you read my blog and took the time to offer such a thoughtful answer. Hivebookclub is my kind of environment :) I love reading, history, research, ideas, etc. The next time an idea or book grabs my attention as this one did, I will post again.
