"Miss Rumphius" by Barbara Cooney

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

I briefly wrote about "Miss Rumphius" last Sunday in my gardening post and I couldn't help writing a post about the book.

Miss Rumphius - Wikipedia

My two square meter garden log - 18 Jun 2023

I got to know "Miss Rumphius" from an essay written by an owner of a Japanese kids book store. I think my mother talked about her and I was interested in her.

"Miss Rumphius" is a beloved picture book by Barbara Cooney originally published in 1982, more than 40 years ago. It is about Alice's journey and make the world more beautiful according her grandfather's advice. She sowed a lot of Lupine seeds. It's a delightful story with wonderful illustrations and a meaningful message of self-fulfillment and community contribution.

As her grandfather and she were connected to ocean like my grandfather, a former captain and me, and I like plants, instantly it turned be one of my favorite picture books.

I had Lupine plants in my former garden. My daughter likes the flower and the book too.

Now I am growing young Lupine plants to plant in the community garden containers. Happy to be a miss Rumphius 😊

After I read Miss Rumphius again, I felt like ordering some more nature related books for my daughter, me and the community garden.

Do you read picture books? In my opinion, it's not only for kids!









絵本を読みますか?絵本は子供の読むものと思っていましたが、子供が生まれて意見を変えつつあります 😊




チーズ屋さんのおすすめで購入した『Flederick Mouse』という絵本が好きです。日本でよく知られている作品だと、『スイミー』と同じLeo Leoniさんという方が著者です。あと日本の絵本だと『サンドイッチサンドイッチ』!色合いとかイラストの雰囲気とかがツボすぎて、毎度サンドイッチ食べたくなってしまいます。


なんか他にもあった気がするのだけど・・・子供は小にぎり君というおにぎりがドライブに出かける絵本とか、パンの動物園とか、親子で食べ物ものが好きです 😆 あいうえおは『あいうえおのお弁当』だし w

あ、ブルーノ・ムナーリの『木をかこう』と『太陽をかこう』も好きです。これは絵本というのかな・・・子供とぺらぺらめくっては木や太陽をずいぶん描きました 🌞

Of course, they are not just for children! Illustrated books, especially children's stories, are very good. I love to read them. Greetings and thank you for sharing your opinion about this book. I did not know it.

You are totally right. But I was just blind and thanks to my daughter I could find some really nice ones :)