Mundo mágico de Harry Potter: Draco Malfoy ¿Quién es? y mi opinión acerca de el || Draco Malfoy Who is he and my opinion about him? [ESP-ENG]

Hey aquí Aj les trae como tema a discusión a al Príncipe de Slytherin.

Hey, Aj here brings you the Prince of Slytherin as a topic for discussion.

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-¿Quién es el?¿Que opinan acerca del personaje si ya lo conocen?¿Es bueno o malo?¿Es un cobarde?¿Es alguien importante? -

Who is he?what do you think about the character if you already know him?is he good or bad?is he a coward?is he someone important?

Demos inicio primero a mi breve introducción, y entonces así averiguar acerca de lo que trae consigo este personaje y su mundo…

Let's start with my brief introduction first, and then find out about what this character and his world brings with him...

Puedo decir que el mundo mágico de Harry Potter sin duda marco a muchos individuos (Incluyéndome) convirtiéndose en un pilar importante en la cultura de los lectores. Es que tanto los libros como las películas, terminaron siendo algo muy grande y sin precedentes. Y es que quien se imaginaria que de un libro originalmente para niños, se presentarían las fabulosas aventuras de tantos personajes inusuales, siendo protagonizada por un joven aprendiz de magia, con cabello cual nido de ratas, gafas redondas que ocultan tras de ellos unos hermosos ojos verdes llenos de curiosidad y una peculiar cicatriz en forma de rayo, que en compañía con sus amigos nos llevarían con ellos a cada años en Howarts, haciéndonos sentir algo tan cálido y que el corazón nos saltase de la emoción en cada libro, cada pagina o cada minuto que transcurrieron en la película. Algo fabuloso, pero y… Draco Malfoy?

I can say that the magical world of Harry Potter undoubtedly marked many individuals (including me) becoming an important pillar in the culture of the readers. Both the books and the movies ended up being something very big and unprecedented. And who would imagine that from a book originally for children, would be presented the fabulous adventures of so many unusual characters, starring a young apprentice of magic, with hair like a rat's nest, round glasses that hide behind them round glasses that hide behind them beautiful green eyes full of curiosity and a peculiar scar in the shape of lightning, who in company with his friends would take us with them to every year in Howarts, making us feel something so warm and that our hearts jumped with emotion in every book, every page or every minute that passed in the film. Fabulous stuff, but what about... Draco Malfoy?

¿Quién es? Draco Lucius Malfoy Black, serpiente des que tenia pañales podría decir por que al ser hijo de Lucius y Narcisa Black, era lo mas obvio o lo mas probable y se ha de notar en la escena del sombrero seleccionador, donde Mcgonagall ni siquiera se lo ha colocado completamente a Draco en la cabeza y este ya ha gritado: SLYTHERIN!!!.

Who is Draco Malfoy? Draco Lucius Malfoy Black, snake since he was in diapers I could say because being the son of Lucius and Narcissa Black, it was the most obvious or the most probable and it has to be noticed in the scene of the Sorting Hat, where McGonagall has not even placed it completely on Draco's head and he has already shouted: SLYTHERIN!!!!

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Es uno de los tantos personajes de Harry Potter creados por la autora británica J.K Rowling. Personaje al cual dan vida en la película, siendo interpretado por Tom Felton. Sinceramente este personaje se sintió como una presencia significativa a lo largo de los libros y películas. Aun a pesar de ser el “Villano” en la historia de Harry Potter.

It is one of the many Harry Potter characters created by the British author J.K Rowling. This character is brought to life in the movie, being played by Tom Felton. Honestly this character felt like a significant presence throughout the books and movies. Even though he is the "villain" in the Harry Potter story.

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Se que la mayoría lo odian debido a su personalidad desagradable y su lengua filosa pero aun siendo así amado por miles, trayendo consigo a muchas personas coladitas/os por el y se abren a discusión al ser un personaje del cual uno se siente atraído por lo que el demuestra. Se que tiene características de Antiheroe pero solo es alguien que mostro fidelidad tanto a s familia y al héroe aun a pesar de las adversidades.

I know most hate him because of his nasty personality and sharp tongue but yet he is loved by thousands, bringing with him many people who have a crush on him and are open to discussion as he is a character that one is drawn to because of what he demonstrates. I know he has anti-hero characteristics but he is just someone who showed loyalty to both his family and the hero despite the odds.

Se que dirán “¿Como que al héroe? Ellos eran rivales, se odiaban a muerte o cosas así” pero es verdad o es lo que veo, por veamos que en un principio la primero persona con la cual se topa Harry de su misma edad y en el mundo Mágico es Malfoy y he de decir que no mostro ser malo, y si si, puedo decir que solo era un niño al cual sus padres no dieron muy buenos valores, además se sabe que los niños cometen estupideces y pueden llegar a ser imbéciles con su accionar.

I know you will say "What do you mean to the hero? They were rivals, they hated each other to death or things like that" but it is true or what I see, let's see that in the beginning the first person with whom Harry encounters of the same age and in the Magical world is Malfoy and I must say that he did not show to be bad, and yes, I can say that he was just a child to whom his parents did not give very good values, besides it is known that children commit stupid things and can become imbeciles with their actions.

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¿Draco es Malo? No. ¿Por que diría que no, si el se burlo, lastimo y insulto a muchos? Ya que poseo ojos y se que lo hizo para pertenecer, para que su padre estuviera orgulloso y por que es un medio de defensa y si creen que lo que hizo estuvo mal, bueno si estuvo mal, pero veámoslo desde su perspectiva, los insultos a los Weasleys, ya fuese por su cabello, por el numero de miembros de la familia y etc. Puedo tomar la libertad de decir que era por envidia a ellos, por que ellos tenían amor, que ellos aun a pesar de ser pobres eran unidos, el amor que los Weasleys padres tenían hacia sus hijos era algo único y eso Draco lo quería con su familia, que aun a pesar de ser rico el no tenia amor, solo el de Narcisa, su madre. Las burlas y las heridas, el querer pertenecer a su casa, además de ser el hijo de Lucius “Alias serpiente mas venenosa” Malfoy que quería una copia de el en su hijo no ayudaba mucho, vamos Draco solo quería a un Padre y tener amigos, que sus acciones aunque crueles tienen un significado. Y para colmo que el señor Tenebroso se adueñe de tu cocina, adiós a los desayunos tranquilos gente.

Is Draco Evil? No. Why would I say no, if he mocked, hurt and insulted many? Since I have eyes and I know he did it to belong, to make his father proud and because it is a means of defense and if you think what he did was wrong, well yes it was wrong, but let's look at it from his perspective, the insults to the Weasleys, whether it was because of their hair, the number of family members and so on. I can take the liberty to say that it was out of envy for them, because they had love, that even though they were poor they were united, the love that the Weasleys parents had for their children was something unique and Draco wanted that with his family, that even though they were poor they were united, the love that the Weasleys parents had for their children was something unique and that Draco wanted that with his family. Draco wanted it with his family, that even though he was rich he had no love, only Narcissa's, his mother. The mockery and the injuries, wanting to belong to his house, besides being the son of Lucius "Alias most venomous snake" Malfoy who wanted a copy of him in his son did not help much, come on Draco only wanted a father and to have friends, that his actions although cruel have a meaning meaning. And to top it all off have the Dark Lord take over your kitchen, bye bye quiet breakfasts people.

Observemos y aceptemos que Draco Malfoy solo traía consigo una mascara que ocultaba a través de ella todas aquellas inseguridades que lo aterraban de su realidad. Solo era un niño vulnerable encerrado en las propias tormentas que eran sus ojos tan grises y turbulentos, escondiendo tanto dolor, pero que podían cambiar a ser dagas a la hora de la defensa, con tal fuerza a pesar de todo, que también mostraban indiferencia, furia y burla en esas orbes junto a aquella sonrisa ladina que lo caracteriza.

Let's observe and accept that Draco Malfoy only brought with him a mask that hid through it all those insecurities that terrified him of his reality. He was only a vulnerable child locked in the very storms that were his eyes so gray and turbulent, hiding so much pain, but that could change to be daggers at the time of defense, with such strength in spite of everything, that also showed indifference, fury and mockery in those orbs along with that sly smile that characterizes him.

Pero no todo esfuerza, como he dicho pueden ser dagas con buen filo, pero a veces hasta las dagas se rompen, y con ellos las tormentas pasar a ser un diluvio, dejando todo ellos en esas blancas mejillas, junto a sollozos que son mostrados en la escena del baño de niñas en donde la única amiga para su consuelo y desahogo era "Myrtle la Llorona".

But not all efforts, as I said they can be daggers with good edge, but sometimes even the daggers break, and with them the storms become a deluge, leaving all of them in those white cheeks, along with sobs that are shown in the scene of the girls' bath where the only friend for their comfort and relief was "Myrtle the Weeping Woman".

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Seré franca yo ayudaría a Draco ¿Por qué? Vamos hasta Harry lo salvo del incendio en la Sala de Menesteres. Pero no o digo solo por ello, lo digo por que el es de admirar a pesar de todo, puesto sus ideologías hacia el bien y el mal eran confusas, no era fanático del sin nariz, digo Voldemort, de hecho le tenia un miedo terrible, y quien no. A pesar de los insultos a Hermione lo veo mal, pero eso fue en lo que lo convirtieron sus padres. En los “intentos de asesinato” a Dumbledore, y tantas oportunidades que fueron, este no lo hiciera. Que alertara al grupo de Harry pero que Hermione lo haya entendido aun(En algo que no me acuerdo pero paso) en Clave. Que en la escena de la Mansión Malfoy Manor, donde Harry es atrapado, en la cual la persona que tiene que decir si el es Harry Potter, sea DRACO, donde este muy bien podría terminar con la vida de su “rival” al reconocerlo, pero este mienta y no lo delate, eso es un acto de sumo valor, aunque todos crean a Malfoy un cobarde, no lo creo así, por que quien salvaría al héroe en la casa del lobo, siendo este expuesto a que lo matasen a el también, debo decir que fue muy…Gryffindor.

I'll be frank, I would help Draco. Why? Come on, even Harry saved him from the fire in the Menesters' Hall. But I'm not just saying that, I'm saying it because he is to be admired in spite of everything, since his ideologies towards good and evil were confusing, he wasn't a fan of the noseless one, I mean Voldemort, in fact he was terribly afraid of him, and who wasn't? In spite of the insults to Hermione I see it wrong, but that's what his parents turned him into. In the "assassination attempts" on Dumbledore, and so many opportunities that were, he did not do it. That he alerted Harry's group but Hermione still understood it(In something I don't remember but it happened) in Clave. That in the scene of the Malfoy Manor, where Harry is trapped, in which the person who has to say if he is the person who has to say if he is Harry Potter, is DRACO, where he could very well end the life of his "rival" by recognizing him, but he lies and does not betray him, that is an act of extreme courage, although everyone believes Malfoy a coward, I do not think so, because who would save the hero in the house of the wolf, being this exposed to be killed him too, I must say that it was very...Gryffindorf.

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Imágenes tomadas de Pinterest/Images taken from Pinterest