Hi everyone!I hope you all are fine. Today I would like to share some general perspective about French revolution.what was the major motives behind that and how it ends.
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Let's commence from that point that revolution always start when people are in deplorable state and being oppressed.In 1600s, people start thinking and raised questions about everything.It is also known as the age of enlightenment.Before that period, people had a firm believe on miracles, holy sculptures and other divinely things.
Rene Discartes a French philosopher said that I think therefore I am.Thinking, observing, reasoning and questioning were the main points of that revolution.Galileo who said that Earth revolves around the sun was sentenced to the jail.John locke opposed the theory of Divine rights of the kings.everyone one is equal.A man should govern by the permission of people.There were three classes in France.Nobility,clergy and peasontory.98 percent was peasontory class in France.In 1750-60 the economy of France was in deep water.France was in war with English because both were colonial powers and in seven years war from 1756-63 France was almost bankrupt.
In 1774 king Louis became new king who was just twenty years old.He made Robert jacques his finance minister.Robert passed a black law of storing grains.As a result people started quarreling over the food and this period is often regarded as Flour war.
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The anglo French war again started in 1778-83 between France and England.Now the debt on France was 2B livre.there was unemployment, inflation and huge taxes upon people.Despite that king made his fort and his wife was living a levish life.
On 17 june1789 People declare their own GOVT.Nobility people also joined it.on 27 june king Louis also acknowledged it.there came rumors that king is going to attack on Paris national assembly.people attacked on fort and realized that they can fight for their rights.Many elite class people migrate to the other European countries.
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In 1791, election was held.In 1792, monarchy was overthrowed completely and France became Republican country.King and his wife were hanged there.But there were differences betwixt different revolutionaries.Robes who killed many people who supported monarchy without any proof but he himself was killed by an other group.This dark phase countinued untill1799.
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In 1799, general Neopolian Bonaparte became ascendent of France.He was a secular dictator.In his era the power of Church declined but his ideals played an important role.
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Even in Indian constitution there is a French motto written as I may disagree with you but I will defend to the death your right to say it. French Revolution motto was Liberty, Equality, Fraternity.
Though monarchy took control again in France in the shape of Dictatorship.But this awakening gives new path to the people and broke the shakel of idolism.
This was from my side.I hope you would like to love it.If you want to add something in it.Dont forgot to comment on it.
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