[ESP / ENG] La Chica Del Tren - Reseña /The Girl On The Train - Review


Hola querida comunidad, hoy me siento muy emocionada ya que vengo a traer mi primera reseña literaria y me están picando los dedos en el teclado ya que es algo que me llena de alegría.
Hello dear community, today I feel very excited as I come to bring my first literary review and my fingers are itching on the keyboard as it is something that fills me with joy.


Yo hace varios dias deje un post sobre como superar el bloqueo lector Link,ya que era algo que me estaba sucediendo y no me gustaba. Tome aquellos consejos que les di y puede avanzar, gracias a ello ley mi primera novela de misterio llamada "la chica del tren".

I left a post several days ago about how to overcome reader's block Link,since it was something that was happening to me and I didn't like it. I took those tips I gave you and I can move forward, thanks to that I read my first mystery novel called "the girl on the train".


Elegí esta novela porque la he visto en las librerías de mi estado, la he escuchado hace tiempo en booktuber y ademas tiene una película pero esta ultima no me he visto y con respecto a la opinión que me dejo el libro no es como que volara a buscarla para poder verla.
I chose this novel because I've seen it in bookstores in my state, I've listened to it a while ago on booktuber and it also has a movie but I haven't seen the movie and with respect to the opinion that the book left me with, it's not like I flew to look for it to see it.

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Es un libro del 2015 su autora es Paula Hawkings y es catalogada novela negra, se trata de una muchacha llamada Rachel que es alcohólica y viaja en tren para su trabajo y en el trayecto de este ve a una joven pareja disfrutando de su hogar o eso parece.
It is a book of 2015 its author is Paula Hawkings and is cataloged crime novel, it is about a girl named Rachel who is an alcoholic and travels by train for her work and on the way of this she sees a young couple enjoying their home or so it seems.
Yo no tengo muchas experiencia en este tipo de historias así que no se como se desenvuelven, pero al que sea escita en forma de diario narrados por tres personajes (Rachel, Megan y Anna) hace que las conozcas y la autora juega mucho como es la perspectiva de cada personajes en los ojos de cada una.
I don't have much experience with this type of story so I don't know how they unfold, but the fact that it's scripted in the form of a diary narrated by three characters (Rachel, Megan and Anna) makes you get to know them and the author plays a lot with the perspective of each character in the eyes of each one.

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Lo que no puedo negar es que Rachel me dio mucha pena y considero que es un personaje tristemente realista y que sus lagunas mentales y otras características la hace buena protagonista de este tipo de historias. Las otras dos perpectivas de la historia esta a cargo de una dos mujeres, una es Megan que la deteste desde el principio ya que no proyecta buena vibra y la otra es Anna que si a Megan la deteste por la vibra que impartía esta no la trage por ser tan hueca.
What I can't deny is that I felt sorry for Rachel and I consider her to be a sadly realistic character and that her mental lapses and other characteristics make her a good protagonist for this type of story. The other two perspectives of the story is in charge of two women, one is Megan who I detested from the beginning because it does not project good vibes and the other is Anna that if Megan detested her for the vibe she imparted this not swallow her for being so hollow.


La historia tiene un final inesperado y eso recompenso muchas cosas, me gusto. Creo que si todas las novelas de misterio dejan esta sensación seguiré leyéndolas pero creo que "la chica del tren" le falto algo para terminar de amarla, espero que a medida que vaya leyendo este genero pueda encontrar que es.
The story has an unexpected ending and that rewarded many things, I liked it. I think if all mystery novels leave this feeling I will keep reading them but I think "the girl on the train" lacked something to finish loving it, I hope that as I read this genre I can find out what it is.
Le pongo 7/10 y es bastante aceptable porque me animo varios días y los invito a leerla para que se animen ustedes también, muchas gracias por leer.
I give it 7/10 and it is quite acceptable because it encouraged me several days and I invite you to read it to encourage you too, thank you very much for reading.

¡bienvenido pequeñín!.png


I have heard of this book too and have been wanting to read it
Thank you for the reminder for it had quite slipped my mind
And I love unexpected endings...

You're welcome, it's a pleasure to share experiences with books and I'm glad to have reminded you of this pending book for you, I hoYou're welcome, it's a pleasure to share experiences with books and I'm glad to have reminded you of this pending book for you, I hope you enjoy it.pe you enjoy it.

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It's quite an interesting story and like you said, the unexpected end covers for many things. I was bored until the unpredictable twists began unfolding.

I felt the story was a bit slow in the beginning but picked up some pace later on. It took me quite a while to read as I kept dropping the book.

I honestly didn't like Rachel for the most part but she was impressive in the end.

Overall, it was a good read. I love crime/Mystery books and I can say this book is a good start.

Hope to read more reviews from you.

Yes at first it is slow but it picks up the pace, the mystery is very expressive and catchy thank you very much for reading my review. I hope to bring more to your liking <3