Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy life

in Hive Book Club β€’ 2 months ago

Hello Readers!πŸ“š
I recently read a very interesting book called "Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" by Francesc Miralles and Hector Garcia. This book explains the concept of ikigai, which is a Japanese philosophy that helps people discover their purpose in life. What I found so interesting is that the authors traveled to Okinawa, Japan, known for its high percentage of centenarians; they wanted to learn from them the secrets of those long-lived people and how they were able to live happily and with fulfillment.

One of the most fascinating things that I learned from this book is that the concept of ikigai does not just lie in finding your purpose, but also in discovering your sense of flow and fulfillment in daily life. According to the authors, ikigai is a puzzle that has five different pieces: what you are good at, what you love doing, what the world needs, what you can be paid for, and what you can do. When all these five pieces come together, then you have found your ikigai. I found this concept really inspiring, and it made me think about my own life and what I'm passionate about.

Another interesting fact from the book is that the Okinawans have a unique approach to aging. Instead of fearing old age, they see it as a time of wisdom and experience. They believe that as you get older, you become more valuable to society, and you have more to offer. This mindset is much different from the way, I believe, people perceive aging back in Western cultures. However, I do believe all of us can learn it.
The book also discusses the concept of "wabi-sabi," which is a Japanese philosophy that celebrates imperfection. Wabi-sabi, the authors say, is all about enjoying the simple things and the fact that nothing is perfect. This really helps one in today's world, where we are constantly bombarded with messages telling us we need to be perfect.
The book also contains practical advice on how to incorporate ikigai into our daily lives. It first asks us to start with identifying our values and passions and then find ways to align them with our work and daily activities. In addition, the authors have emphasized the importance of taking care of our physical and mental health, finding ways to reduce stress, and increase feelings of joy and fulfillment.
This is all for today, I hope you will enjoy reading this book.πŸ™‚
Picture link: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fmyonlinebookshop.pk%2Fproducts%2Fikigai-the-japanese-secret-to-a-long-and-happy-life&psig=AOvVaw3njbiZpZrHrPhC_I8ZG7_g&ust=1735219309117000&source=images&cd=vfe&opi=89978449&ved=0CBQQjRxqFwoTCLiw57ewxIoDFQAAAAAdAAAAABAE