The Boy in the Striped Pajamas

This is a novel that I have had an interest in reading for a very long time! I must have discovered its existence over a decade ago, back on Tumblr where there is like, a cult following of this book.

So after finally reading it... It wasn't bad! It wasn't the greatest! 😅 I would give it a generous rating of "satisfactory"? 🙏

I mean, there are only so many WWII stories that can be told before they become played and predictable, right? We are all pretty well-rehearsed on what, why, how it happened (considering that one hasn't been brainwashed by today's rhetoric...). And the fact that John Boyne's story is fictional leaves something to be desired when there are already plenty of real-life stories that are inspiring and tragic enough.

As for positives, Boyne is fantastic at creating characters. They are very three-dimensional; he really makes the effort to show the reader what they are thinking, what is going through their minds. In turn, there is a greater opportunity to connect with the characters.
I appreciate the fact that he just jumped right into the events -- there was no backstory, no formal introductions to the characters -- because one wasn't needed. Again, most people are well-informed enough about WWII that they know what the time period was like.
I also enjoyed Boyne's hints at childhood naivety by purposefully misspelling words, such as The Fury (the Führer) and Out-With (Auschwitz). It truly showed the innocence of childhood, and helped to develop an emotional connection with the reader.

"All he could say was that his father was a man to watch and that the Fury had big things in mind for him."

"'That's the name of the house,' explained Gretel. 'Out-With.'"

"'Heil Hitler,' he said, which, he presumed, was another way of saying, 'Well, goodbye for now, have a pleasant afternoon.'"


Unfortunately, the story is also rather predictable, which again, can only be helped so much when the reader is already aware of what will happen in WWII 😅 By the time Bruno meets Shmuel, the reader has a pretty fair idea of what will happen. Two lonely boys who yearn for someone to connect with, on the "wrong side" of the fence, Bruno shaving head due to lice, Shmuel's father goes missing...

"'Or I could come to you,' said Bruno."

"'You're on the wrong side of the fence though,' said Shmuel."

It is heartbreaking regardless, because despite the fact it is fiction, a situation like this could have easily unfolded in real life.


"Of course all this happened a long time ago and nothing like that could ever happen again.

Not in today's day and age."

Won't make this anymore political than this needs to be -- my stance on Judaism is pretty clear! From the days of pyramid-building to the desert music festival, I continue to stand with my Jewish brothers and sisters. As Christians are also persecuted once again (I am Roman Catholic) -- now more than ever.

As Boyne pointed out, it is simply a shame that we can never get it right, and apparently we never will. Innate human nature will never allow us to. Empathy is not genuine, and if it is, it is done for superficial reasons; to only APPEAR like a caring person. Most people are taught what to think as opposed to how to think. We need a "common enemy" in order to keep the focus away from our disgusting souls.

Hence why we will never learn anything, and why it took people no time flat to revert back to 1940. History will always be doomed to repeat itself.


I have no knowledge of WWII but then I get to read snippets of it here and there. Probably because I am just lazy to read the whole thing at once. Haha. So for someone like me, this would not be predictable. Awesome review!

I love this film. I made a post about it, but unfortunately I had some problems and it wasn't as successful as I had hoped. What sensations, emotions, and feelings this film brings out. The affection between friends is pure, and what happens around that friendship is very cruel.

Glad to see this book here. I wrote something about it also last year together with other great books for a person to start the habit of reading. And this is a good one to start.