Quién de Nosotros: El libro que muestra los verdaderos conflictos emocionales [ESP/ING]

in Hive Book Club4 years ago

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Hello, Hive Commnunity!

La primera novela que el Gran Poeta Mario Benedetti trajo al mundo de la lectura en el año 1953, una propuesta interesante y llena de riesgos para su carrera. Mario Benedetti es uno de los más grandes exponentes de la literatura latinoamericana y un gran representante de la misma, es por eso que sus obras toman gran importancia.

Quién de Nosotros, trae un interesante y clásico triángulo amoroso, donde cada uno ofrece su propia historia o versión de un enredo emocional que se ha creado alrededor de ellos. Los personajes y narradores a lo largo de la historia son Miguel, Alicia y Lucas. Cada uno plantea una realidad emocional diferente, utilizando así está historia para plantear de la manera más clara posible lo complicado de las emociones humanas.

The first novel that the great poet Mario Benedetti brought to the world of reading in 1953, an interesting and risky proposal for his career. Mario Benedetti is one of the greatest exponents of Latin American literature and a great representative of it, that is why his works take great importance.

Quién de Nosotros, brings an interesting and classic love triangle, where each one offers his own story or version of an emotional entanglement that has been created around them. The characters and narrators throughout the story are Miguel, Alicia and Lucas. Each one presents a different emotional reality, thus using this story to present in the clearest possible way the complexity of human emotions.

Los personajes de esta historia están perfectamente hechos, porque cada uno aporta una postura diferente a la trama. Miguel es el primero en contar su versión, y realmente lo siento uno de las partes más inestables e inmaduras emocionalmente, además se transmite perfectamente el estado de celos y la necesidad latente de describir el inicio de su monótona relación con su esposa Alicia, a quien lanza a los brazos de Lucas en Buenos Aires.

Alicia es la segunda es narrar y dar una versión diferente a la de Miguel; escribiendo una carta donde entre reproches y verdades sobre su fallida relación, además de sus constantes desacuerdos con Lucas, que mantenían esa relación.

Lucas, por su parte toma de una forma casi perfecta la historia y cuenta su versión construyendo otros personajes. Dándole así a la trama una versión más rica y fantasiosa, mostrando entonces a Miguel cómo el verdadero intruso en la relación que llevaba en aquel momento con Alicia.

The characters in this story are perfectly done, because each one brings a different stance to the plot. Miguel is the first to tell his version, and I really feel it one of the most unstable and emotionally immature parts, also perfectly conveys the state of jealousy and the latent need to describe the beginning of his monotonous relationship with his wife Alicia, whom he throws into the arms of Lucas in Buenos Aires.

Alicia is the second is to narrate and give a different version to Miguel's; writing a letter where between reproaches and truths about their failed relationship, in addition to his constant disagreements with Lucas, who maintained that relationship.

Lucas, on the other hand, takes the story in an almost perfect way and tells his version building other characters. Thus giving the plot a richer and more fanciful version, showing Miguel as the real intruder in the relationship he had at that time with Alicia.

Me gusta mucho de este libro que su autor logra desnudarlos completamente a lo largo de la trama, es difícil ver un libro donde la cobardía, el egoísmo y la soberbia se escondan y al mismo tiempo se descubra de manera tan natural y efectiva. Es una lectura rápida, puesto que realmente es una novela corta que me leí en dos días, dos días donde desde fuera leía y entendía una situación amorosa que me reafirmaba que efectivamente los seres humanos suelen ser difíciles de entender emocionalmente y al mismo tiempo solemos ser tan egoístas en el momento de amar.

Esta novela es una gran lectura, porque es como si la vida misma fuera relatada en 3 personajes muy complejos y que fueron escritos perfectamente para resaltar la inmadurez emocional y dejando en el lector la constante pregunta de: ¿Quién de nosotros juzga a quién?

It is difficult to see a book where cowardice, selfishness and arrogance are hidden and at the same time are discovered in such a natural and effective manner. It is a quick read, since it is really a short novel that I read in two days, two days where from the outside I read and understood a love situation that reaffirmed to me that indeed human beings are often difficult to understand emotionally and at the same time we tend to be so selfish when it comes to love.

This novel is a great read, because it is as if life itself was told in 3 very complex characters that were written perfectly to highlight the emotional immaturity and leaving the reader with the constant question: Who of us judges whom?

Para mí, es un gran libro, y ampliamente creo que todos deberían leerlo para lograr ver de la manera más genuina posible como una misma disyuntiva emocional puede tener diferentes espejos para mirarla.

Así que si buscas un libro que de manera sencilla marque tu vida para siempre, esta es la mejor propuesta que podría hacerte. Porque quién de nosotros, es el mejor libro que he leído en cuestión de clásicos latinoamericanos.

For me, it is a great book, and I widely believe that everyone should read it to see in the most genuine way possible how the same emotional dilemma can have different mirrors to look at it.

So if you are looking for a book that in a simple way will mark your life forever, this is the best proposal I could make. Because Who of Us is the best book I have read in terms of Latin American classics.

Espero que les haya gustado este post.
Nos leemos pronto.

I hope you liked this post.
See you soon.


I consider that it is a book that correctly adheres to its title, we cannot judge others, when we have 1 finger pointing at our neighbor and 3 at ourselves, without a doubt we never know the accuracy of the turns that life takes and what it will repair us in the near future or not. However, when we talk about love, there is nothing certain about it, because it is beyond our reach to control that vital organ that seems to even have a life of its own, feelings are even much more complex, but we have learning in our favor. of our mistakes, are and always will be experiences that add up to achieve success and personal development. Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful review @cami.rojas

I consider that it is a book that correctly adheres to its title, we cannot judge others, when we have 1 finger pointing at our neighbor and 3 at ourselves, without a doubt we never know the accuracy of the turns that life takes and what it will repair us in the near future or not. However, when we talk about love, there is nothing certain about it, because it is beyond our reach to control that vital organ that seems to even have a life of its own, feelings are even much more complex, but we have learning in our favor. of our mistakes, are and always will be experiences that add up to achieve success and personal development. Thank you very much for sharing such a wonderful review @cami.rojas