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RE: Book Review: The Travels of Reverend Ólafur Egilsson The Story of the Barbary Corsair Raid on Iceland of 1627

in Hive Book Club2 years ago

GREAT book review!! Thorough and compelling. The opening is as riveting as a novel.
Who knew: Iceland's badass Vikings - notorious raiders - got raided! Barbary ships land on the coast and capture humans, men women, children--even infants, and carry them back to Africa for sale. The trade in humans conducted by Barbary raiders lasted for centuries.

Thank you so much for an inspiring review. I had given up book reviewing. "Nobody reads my reviews anyway, except the authors themselves," it seemed. I know, I know, gotta tell myself a better narrative. I posted a few reviews (unpaid) at Newsblaze. Here at Hive, we at least get upvotes and feedback. Zero feedback from any Newsblaze review, so I just stopped...
But you have inpsired me!
And what a great topic!


And you inspire me, @carolkean. Years ago, when Hive went by another name, a very wise owl, (@mathowl) gave a piece of advice to a despairing blogger. It went something like this: write what you like and then at least you know one person will be happy. I'm really at the end of what career it was (of the many I followed) I pursued. No more pursuit. Read what I like. Write what I like. Of course, always have respect for my audience, otherwise just keep a journal 😅.

I'm very pleased my choice of subject and my treatment are to your liking. You are a professional, a discerning reader. Wow, it's nice to meet that standard.

Usually, when I write something like this, that might seem arcane to others, I run it past my husband when the blog is finished. He likes popular fiction. If his judgement is, 'That was interesting' then I've met the ultimate test.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll have to catch up on your blogs.

My standards are high, and you DO live up to them - you exceed them!
I love your blogs, and your interest in history is evident without ever being dull.
Why are so many h.s history teachers so dull? Why have so few been like you?

Love the advice from math owl!