My latest reading from 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ 💫 📚🎄 📚💫🎄

in Hive Book Club2 months ago


Happy new year book lovers 📚 🎄🫂

This past year 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ was a year loaded with many blessings, learnings and without a doubt excellent readings, for me it was really successful, because my reading challenge exceeded my expectations.

At the end of this past year I received several books which I will surely read, I already read one of these and I will continue to browse through each book without hesitation this 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣. 📚💫

As a teacher I love to read and motivate others to practice this habit that nourishes us so much, so every Christmas I read to my little girl some Christmas literary classic, encouraging not only the love of reading, but seeking to reinforce values in this time of love and peace.

Sometimes or almost always we ignore the needs of others, because we focus on our own welfare and forget to be in solidarity with those who need our material help or simply our friendship.


The writer Hans Christian Andenser, has always moved me with his stories, those that due to his childhood and personal life he wrote, associating his reality or that of those around him.

Always at Christmas time, I choose a reading to share with my daughter, this year she is nine years old, she is a little storyteller in the school program and an excellent reader.

So this year I chose la vendedora de cerrillas, a dramatic classic that shows us the poverty and deprivation of a population that does not classify its victims.

The publication of this children's story was in the year 1845 and this is number 37 of this writer, which without a doubt is one of my favorites, as it not only involves drama and innocence in his writings, but also deep reflections even for the youngest.

This Christmas story, lets us see the poverty of much of the population years ago, where children were forced to work to provide for their homes and the little girl had to sell matches.

In arapos, barefoot, hungry and very cold, she tried that New Year's Eve to sell her matches and be able to return home, but the thought that her stepmother would mistreat her, stopped her on that snowy night.

Huddled in a corner of the street, she tried to dispel the cold from her body, happy to experience her hallucinations as real every time she lit a match.

At the end she saw her grandmother who had already died and asked her to take her to heaven with her, that freezing night the little girl froze to death, everyone saw her the next day, but no one condoled the sad end of that little girl.


It may seem dramatic for children but it is really a children's story, which brings us closer to a reality that even in this time is happening and affects our vulnerable child population.

I still believe Andenser is a successful writer, who not only wrote his stories, but lived many of them, although his harsh reality may surprise many readers, he is still one of my favorites in the category of children's stories.

My reading was in digital through the Kindle app, through 29 illustrated pages that made us live the saddest Christmas story. 🎄 🙏 💫


mi última lectura del 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣

Feliz año nuevo amantes de los libros 📚 🎄🫂

Este año pasado 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣ fue un año cargado de muchas bendiciones, aprendizajes y sin duda excelentes lecturas, para mí realmente fue exitoso, porque mi reto de lectura superó mis expectativas.

Al final de este año pasado recibí varios libros los que de seguro voy a leer, ya leí uno de estos y seguiré hojeando cada libro sin dudar este 2️⃣0️⃣2️⃣5️⃣. 📚💫

Cómo maestra me encanta leer y motivar a los demás a practicar este hábito que nos nutre tanto, así que cada navidad leo a mi niña algún clásico literario de navidad, fomentando no solo el amor a la lectura, sino buscando reforzar los valores en esta época de amor y paz.

A veces o casi siempre ignoramos la necesidad de los demás, porque nos enfocamos en nuestro propio bienestar y olvidamos ser solidarios, con aquellos que necesitan de nuestra ayuda material o simplemente de nuestra amistad.

El escritor Hans Chistian Andenser, siempre me ha conmovido con sus historias, esas que debido a su infancia y vida personal escribió, asociando a su realidad o la de los que estaban a su alrededor.

Siempre a fechas de navidad, escojo una lectura para compartir con mi hija, este año ella tiene nueve años de edad, es una pequeña cuenta cuentos del programa escolar y una excelente lectora.

Así que este año escogí la vendedora de cerrillas, un clásico dramático que nos muestra la pobreza y las carencias de una población que no clasifica a sus víctimas.

La publicación de este cuento infantil fue en el año 1845 y este es el número # 37 de este escritor, el cual sin dudar es uno de mis favoritos, ya que no solo involucra drama e inocencia en sus escritos, sino profundas reflexiones hasta para los más pequeños.

Está historia de navidad, nos deja ver la pobreza de gran parte de la población años atrás, dónde los niños eran obligados a trabajar para proveer en sus hogares y a la pequeña niña le había tocado vender cerillas.

En harapos, descalza con hambre y mucho frío, intento aquella noche de fin de año vender sus cerillas y poder regresar a su casa, pero el pensar que su madrastra la maltrataria, la detenía en aquella noche nevada.

Acurrucada en un rincón de la calle, intentó disipar el frío de su cuerpo, alegre al vivir como reales sus alucinaciones cada vez que encendia una cerilla.

Al final vió a su abuela que ya había muerto y le pidió que se la llevará al cielo junto a ella, aquella noche helada la pequeña niña murió congelada, todos al otro día la veían, pero nadie se condolia del triste final de aquella pequeña niña.

Puede parecer algo dramático para niños pero realmente es un cuento infantil, que nos acerca a una realidad, que aún en este tiempo sucede y afecta a nuestra población infantil vulnerable.

Sigo creyendo que Andenser, es un escritor exitoso, que no solo escribió sus historias, sino que muchas de estas las vivió, aunque su cruda realidad puede sorprender a muchos lectores, sigue siendo uno de mis preferidos en categoría de cuentos infantiles.

Mi lectura fue en digital a través de la app Kindle, a través de 29 páginas ilustradas que nos hicieron vivir la más triste historia de navidad 🎄

Photographs of my authorship taken with my Samsung A10 camera phone edition with the Griart.



I hope you can read more book this year and don't forget to also engage with other community members

Thanks are certainly one of the resolutions this year and of course I love to read other readers who post their readings in this favorite community 🫂 here's to a year full of books and meaningful readings 💫📚🫂

I love how you share your passion for reading and the way you pass on those values to your daughter. It's admirable that you use those stories to teach about empathy and solidarity are great ways to learn. Thank you for sharing!

Happy New Year to you 🫂 may you not lack a good read this year 📚💫 the truth is stories are a meaningful way to foster values and moral principles in children and even adults 💫 it is a magical and subtle way to reflect 🙏 like this story that invites us to see beyond our own needs with solidarity and empathy 🙂 that which is really lacking in society.... Thank you for reading

It is a book with a subtle and hard touch of confrontation. Christmas has its ways for each person, some can't laugh fully at the season.