Book review: Kafka on the shore ✨📚🪄🤍

Hey there, book lovers! I'm back with my another interesting read. This time it is "Kafka on the Shore" by Haruki Murakami. A very famous book by a very famous author. It holds a special place in my heart as it was my birthday gift and also my first dive into Murakami's wild world. I’m not kidding it is really bizarre.


Let me tell you, this book is something else! It's like entering into a dream in which anything can show up. We were given two foremost characters: Kafka, this teen who runs away from home, and Nakata, a vintage guy who can chat with cats. Yeah, you heard that right - talking with cats!

Coming to the author, Murakami's writing style is so cool. It's easy to read, however, it makes you think really deep thoughts. He mixes normal stuff with totally bizarre matters. Like, one minute you are studying about someone making coffee, and the following, it is raining fishes. It's crazy, but by some means all of it works!

I was not able to place this book down. I imply it - I completed it in just three days! Every chapter left me wanting more. It's like a puzzle that you cannot stop trying to clear up.

The pleasant component? There's no one "proper" way to apprehend the story. Murakami lets you determine things out of yourself. It will left you feel confused even after you have finished reading it.

I'm so glad this book became my intro to Murakami. Earlier I used to wonder what’s the hype of Murakami was all about. Now I know, why. It unfolded a whole new world of imagination for me. If you need a book that'll blow your thoughts and make you notice things in a different way, give "Kafka at the Shore"a shot. Trust me, you won’t regret it!

This birthday gift wasn't only a book - for me it became a ticket to a paranormal reading journey. I'm totally addicted to Murakami now and cannot wait to read more of his stuff. Who knew reading this book was so exciting?

Well have you read any of Murakami book, do let me know in comments.

Let me know, what you guys think of it💜
Till then, goodbye💫


It's great that this book was a birthday present and your first experience with Murakami. The way you describe the mix of the everyday with the surreal is so on point. The idea of ​​talking to cats is definitely a quirky but lovely touch. Great review!

Thankyou so much for stopping by! ✨🤍

Murakami has always had a unique writing style. Although Kafka On The Shore is considered a taboo book by some, his work still has a special place in the hearts of his readers.

Great work!

It does, it expanded the imagination for me. Thanks for stopping by ✨

i got you. my pleasure for reading your writing

Thankyou! That's so kind of you 😊

I have not read any book by Murakami butt I do appreciate authors that are unique and authentic in their style of writing making this book very ideal for me to enjoy. Lovely review.

Thankyou so much! I'll suggest give it a read and see by yourself ✨🤍

Yo leí por primera vez a Murakami el año pasado con After Dark, y ciertamente fue muy sorprendente, me quedé esperando por muchas cosas al final de libro y me dejó muchas preguntas, pero me dejó totalmente fascinada, y procedí a leer Los Años de Peregrinación del Chico sin Color, el cual también te hace reflexionar bastante y tener pensamientos profundos sin sentir que sea un libro pesado, y por último La Biblioteca Secreta, una historia corta. Ahora que veo tu reseña tengo pendiente leerme este libro también jsjs, saludos

I felt the same to be honest, the way you have described. But I haven't read others of Murakami yet. Thankyou for mentioning the names, I'll sure give them a try. Thanks a lot for stopping by! Greetings ✨🤍

Honestly the review alone is enticing. And I know that it’s something I’d like. Authors with beautiful writing styles are always loved

Thankyou so much! Couldn't agree more. Sure! Give it a read💖