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RE: Verity book review

I was scrolling through the community and immediately stopped when my eyes fell on Verity. XD

I totally agree with you, Colleen Hooever never disappoints. This book was such a page-turner for me. You found it boring in the start, but it grabbed my attention from the beginning. It was so faced paced, and I think I ended up reading it in a day ignoring my kids and hubs. I couldn't just put it down. XD

Although that cliffhanger at the end, it annoyed me. It was like a I ate a really sweet/sour candy, but it left a bitter taste in mouth. I hope you understand what I mean. XD


I feel the same with the end, I like it because you have to come up with your own conclusion, but at the same time I would have loved to know what the truth really is.