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Musuh dalam Selimut (The Secret Adversary) is the second novel by Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie is the world's most successful mystery novelist. She is the creator of the characters Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple and others. She wrote dozens of books. One of them is the book I review in this post.
Title: The Secret Adversary
First Published: 1922
Musuh dalam Selimut (The Secret Adversary) adalah novel kedua karya Agatha Christie. Agatha Christie adalah novelis misteri tersukses di dunia. Dia adalah pencipta tokoh Hercule Poirot, Miss Marple, dan lainnya. Dia menulis puluhan buku. Salah satunya adalah buku yang kureview di postingan ini.
Judul: The Secret Adversary
Pertama Kali Terbit: 1922
This book was first published about 100 years ago. This book is Agatha Christie's first book featuring Tommy and Tuppence. There are several other books besides this one that tell about Tommy and Tuppence.
Buku ini pertama kali terbit sekitar 100 tahun yang lalu. Buku ini merupakan buku pertama Agatha Christie yang bertokoh Tommy dan Tuppence. Ada beberapa buku lagi selain buku ini yang menceritakan tentang Tommy dan Tuppence.
The book I have is the Indonesian version (in bahasa), with the title "Musuh dalam Selimut", published by PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, one of the biggest book publishers in Indonesia. Before finishing reading this book, I had finished reading Agatha Christie's works entitled "Misteri di Styles (The Mysterious Affair at Styles)" and "Lalu Semuanya Lenyap (And Then There Were None)".
Buku yang kupunya adalah versi Indonesia (dalam bahasa Indonesia), dengan judul "Musuh dalam Selimut", terbitan PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama, salah satu penerbit buku terbesar di Indonesia. Sebelum menamatkan membaca buku ini, aku telah menamatkan membaca karya Agatha Christie yang berjudul "Misteri di Styles (The Mysterious Affair at Styles)" dan "Lalu Semuanya Lenyap (And Then There Were None)".
The book I have is the sixth printing (2018) with a total of 368 pages. The translator is Mareta. The editor is Ratih Susanty.
Buku yang kupunya adalah cetakan keenam (2018) dengan jumlah halaman sebanyak 368 halaman. Penerjemah adalah Mareta. Penyunting adalah Ratih Susanty.
To all those who live a monotonous life and expect excitement and exciting adventure from second hand (Agatha Christie wrote)
Teruntuk semua orang yang menjalani kehidupan monoton dan mengharapkan kegembiraan dan petualangan seru dari tangan kedua (tulis Agatha Christie)
When the ship Lusitania is torpedoed, a man who looks scared comes to Jane Finn. He brings important document for England, and asks Jane to keep it in a safe place. After that, Jane disappears and all efforts to find her and the document are in vain.
Five years later, the secret document is searched again. If it falls into the wrong hands, it is feared that there will be a strike by the workers and government terror. At the lure of a high fee, two young adventurers, Tuppence and Tommy join the quest.
But the further they get involved, the greater the dangers that threaten...
Ketika kapal Lusitania ditorpedo, seorang laki-laki yang tampak ketakutan mendatangi Jane Finn. la membawa dokumen penting bagi Inggris, dan meminta Jane untuk menyimpannya di tempat aman. Setelah itu, Jane pun menghilang dan segala usaha pencarian atas dirinya serta dokumen tersebut sia-sia.
Lima tahun kemudian, dokumen rahasia itu kembali dicari. Jika sampai jatuh ke tangan yang salah, dikhawatirkan akan terjadi pemogokan kaum buruh dan teror pemerintahan. Dengan iming-iming bayaran tinggi, dua petualang muda, Tuppence dan Tommy ikut dalam pencarian tersebut.
Namun semakin jauh mereka terlibat, semakin besar pula bahaya yang mengancam...
This book contains 28 chapters, with a prologue before chapter 1. The main characters are Tommy (Thomas Beresford) and Tuppence (Prudence Cowley). They are not great detectives, they are two people who really need money.
Buku ini berisikan 28 bab, dengan prolog sebelum bab 1. Tokoh utamanya adalah Tommy (Thomas Beresford) dan Tuppence (Prudence Cowley). Mereka bukanlah detektif hebat, mereka adalah dua orang yang begitu membutuhkan uang.
They are given big mission. The gang of evil people has a mysterious leader, namely Mr. Brown. Tommy and Tuppence are assisted by Julius Hersheimmer and Sir James Peel Edgerton.
Mereka diberikan misi besar. Perkumpulan orang jahat memiliki pemimpin yang misterius, yaitu Mr. Brown. Tommy dan Tuppence dibantu oleh Julius Hersheimmer dan Sir James Peel Edgerton.
The story is cool. I look forward to reading the Tommy and Tuppence stories in other books in the future.
Ceritanya keren. Aku ingin membaca kisah-kisah Tommy dan Tuppence di buku-buku lainnya di masa akan datang.
Have you guys read this book? If so, what do you think about this book?
Apa kalian telah membaca buku ini? Jika iya, bagaimana menurut kalian tentang buku ini?
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This book is beautiful, not one of her most famous ones, but still a great one to start with Agatha as a writer.
Thank you so much for stopping by 🙏🏻🙏🏻
Agatha Christie is one of those authors that never seem to go wrong with her books. Reading your review, I could already sense an unfolding suspense and thriller. She has impeccable character development schools. Tuppence and Tommy sound like a masterpiece in the making.
Great review champ
Thank you very much... i want to read agatha's other books, sooo many
I haven't really read the book yet, so your description makes it seem mysterious and that there is some action in it, without a doubt it is an interesting book and apparently with few pages, which makes it easy to read.
Thank you so much for stopping by 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 This book is cool