A Book Review : The Opposite Of Spoiled

in Hive Book Club2 months ago (edited)

Hello, Hi!
In this post, im gonna share my review about one of the book i read to embrace parenting life. When it comes to parenting a child, just collecting information about how to take care of a child, parenting style, stimulation play, etc etc, its all not enough for me. There’s one very important thing that all of those class or book parenting forgot to mention, money. Money is one of the most important aspect if we want to raise a child. Can we raise a child without money? Probaby yeah, but its gonna be so hard for the parents, the child, and the people around them. I wish that will never happened to our household. But, i never got the education about money, even from my parents. My parents never teach me know how to manage money growing up. Everything i know now, its all what i learnt by myself during my own life journey. To be honest, i felt a bit disappointed about that, if my parents teach me more about money i think that i will have more opportunity in life. That disappointment bring me (and my husband) to a conclusion that we have to teach ourself how to introduce money to our child. As i said before, this is something that we will not get in school, so its really up to the parents if we want to do it.

This book became our household guideline when it comes to family finance. I think that this book is good even for people that doesnt have nor doesnt plan to have a child since they hold many interesting information about how to manage our money. As a parent, we want the best thing in life for our children. The thing is, for giving the best thing in life for the children we might have to sacrifices the things he really need in life. I want my child to have the best toys, the best toys, and the best of everything. The best one usually is the most expensive one. When we keep spending money on those expensive things, we might taken away the money that we can save and invest for his future. So, there’re the needs for some boundaries. This book helped me realizing how to set those boundaries.

I have so many things i like about this book but i will share one i like the most. It is very important to discuss with your partner and set the range price of the items we want to spend the money on. For example, for clothing items we decided to have a range of 5 - 25 dollar. For the toys we have 1 - 10 dollar. The list goes on and on for every other aspect in our life. The next question is, what if our child want something out of those range? The answer is they can either stay in the price range no matter what, or they pay the rest out of their own pocket. I think its a really great concept, its gonna help us to provide what our children needs yet at the same time we’re not spoiling them and teach them how to be responsible about money since young.

Raising a child that understand the value of money yet being smart about it is a big challenge, i wish that this book gonna help me, and help you, to be a better parents and raise a good child. Thank you for reading my review ♥️


You are right, money is a fundamental aspect that is often overlooked in parenting books. I love how you have found a book that becomes a guide for you and your husband on this topic. The idea of setting price limits for purchases is great; it teaches kids to be responsible from a young age.