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RE: Book Review: "Hitler's American Friends," by Bradley W. Hart

in Hive Book Club10 months ago

Dear @patriamreminisci !

I remember that Charles Lindbergh and Henry Ford loved and supported Hitler!
So, I think it's possible that America wouldn't have been at war with Hitler if Japan hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor.

I am surprised that Americans categorize Jews as leftists and communists!
I wonder why Americans and Europeans are hostile to Jews.😦

The Jews I met were friendly and charming.
They also generally ate pork well.😃


So, I think it's possible that America wouldn't have been at war with Hitler if Japan hadn't attacked Pearl Harbor.

Hitler certainly agreed, but FDR was looking for a way to get Americans to join the fight against the Axis. This has led many conspiracy theorists to believe he deliberately allowed Pearl Harbor to happen just to get Americans mad enough.

I am surprised that Americans categorize Jews as leftists and communists!

Most don't. There was an idea (put forth by Hitler) that the Bolshevik Party was created by Jews, and this idea has led to a persistent belief that Jews and Communists are somehow one and the same.

I wonder why Americans and Europeans are hostile to Jews.😦

The irony is that in America we had nearly gotten over the anti-Judaic bias, and then we started bringing in immigrants from the Middle East and a huge number of them brought this bias back in with them. Then of course, there are the conspiracy theorists who try to pretend they are not bigoted against Jews by using the term "Zionist" instead of "Jew." In the old days, Americans were because their European ancestors had been, and their European ancestors had been for various and sundry different reasons.

Hitler certainly agreed, but FDR was looking for a way to get Americans to join the fight against the Axis. This has led many conspiracy theorists to believe he deliberately allowed Pearl Harbor to happen just to get Americans mad enough.

I don't believe in the conspiracy theory that FDR led the attack on Pearl Harbor.
If FDR had committed such an act of treason, the Americans would have dug his body out of the grave and burned it.

Most don't. There was an idea (put forth by Hitler) that the Bolshevik Party was created by Jews, and this idea has led to a persistent belief that Jews and Communists are somehow one and the same.

I remember that the victims of McCarthyism were mostly Jews.

The irony is that in America we had nearly gotten over the anti-Judaic bias, and then we started bringing in immigrants from the Middle East and a huge number of them brought this bias back in with them. Then of course, there are the conspiracy theorists who try to pretend they are not bigoted against Jews by using the term "Zionist" instead of "Jew." In the old days, Americans were because their European ancestors had been, and their European ancestors had been for various and sundry different reasons.

Dear Rob!
Are you saying that America's Muslim civilians are currently driving anti-Semitism?

Not Anti-Semitism, exactly. Specifically, Anti-Judaism. The term "Anti-Semitism" in its most literal meaning is a bias against "Semites," which would include Jews and most Muslims alike. That's why I coined the term "Anti-Judaism," which specifically means a bias against just Jews.

I wrote Anti-Semitism by mistake because I am not familiar with English writing.
I think “Anti-Judaism,” is the right expression!

I hope you first understand that I have the English conversation skills of an American elementary school student.😄

Thank you for kind answer!

PS: I wonder how you live in Texas!😉
Some people around me claim that there is a civil war going on in the United States.

Oh, you had the right expression. I was clarifying why I had to create a new one.

PS: I wonder how you live in Texas!😉
Some people around me claim that there is a civil war going on in the United States.

Yeah, these claims are badly exaggerated. We have a hell of a mess at the border, admittedly, but "Civil War" is horribly overinflating it.

The U.S. is having one of the same demographic problems that a lot of developed nations are having right now (a declining birth rate, which leads to a declining population). For years the government's solution to this has been to grow the population through immigration instead. This causes a lot of cultural shifts, and there's been some concern in the pat (quite rightly) about the number of militant Islamists among the immigrants, but the threats are not nearly the level a lot of people claim.

Anyway, the Biden Administration has slammed this "growth through immigration" drive into OVERdrive, and the number of people crossing the Mexican border is staggering. It's always been high but now it's ridiculous. And Obama, Trump, and Biden all three did a terrible job of checking who these refugees were, so we've had an increase in gang violence (especially Mexican gangs like MS-13).

Well, a lot of the Far-Right (Biden's opponents) have capitalized on this by calling it an "invasion," and saying Biden allowed it. I've seen what invasions look like, and this isn't one. And while Biden has made a mess of it, he didn't cause it. It's been this way through three presidents in a row (Obama-Trump-Biden).

Well, background. In America, part of our Army and Air Force is called the "National Guard." This is the part of the military reserve that's controlled by individual states instead of the national government. And since Texas's governor, Greg Abbott, is a Republican (not just a Republican but an Ultra-MAGA Republican, one of Trump's supporters), he called up Texas's National Guard and sent them to the border, saying "since Biden won't solve the problem, I will."

The National Guard hasn't really done much. They were sent there so Texas's governor could get applause from Trump's voters by saying "look at me. I'm tougher than Biden."

Obama didn't fix the problem.
Neither did Trump.
Neither has Biden.
And now, neither has Greg Abbott.
But all of the guys on that list are having a great time blaming each other for it.

Yet, while the problem is a hell of a clusterfuck, calling it a "Civil War" is idiotic. We here in Texas still go about our daily lives. Artillery isn't blowing up homes here. That's in Ukraine. Foreign troops aren't going door to door raping and murdering here. That's in Ukraine. MS-13 isn't spending millions of dollars convincing the world "we're just taking back what's ours." That's what Russia is doing in Ukraine.
So, no. We don't have a Civil War here, despite what @valued-customer and his fellow conspiracy theorist lunatics might have tried to say.

Yet, while the problem is a hell of a clusterfuck, calling it a "Civil War" is idiotic. We here in Texas still go about our daily lives.

My amigo, Rob!
I understand! I agree with you!Dear @patriamreminisci !

I heard on the news that many Mexicans are coming to Texas. I wonder what you think about illegal immigrants coming from Mexico!
I assumed that Texas, Wyoming, and Oregon were different countries.
America is a bigger world than I imagined, so it's hard for me to understand!

I remembered @valued-customer's claim that the United States was a federation of countries, like the European Union.

However, I misunderstood that you loved @valued-customer like a Chinese!😆

Thank you for kind answer!

The statement that the U.S. was a Federation of separate countries like the EU is partly accurate. That was how it started. The solidification of the government under Washington D.C. began after the Civil War. I think it's gone a bit too far, but there are some who want to completely reduce the Federal Government to the point where we'd practically be nothing but an alliance with a common currency.

As to how I feel about the massive influx of illegal immigrants, I'm not happy with it and I do think more controls need to be put in place to guarantee that only those who are going to adopt our cultural standards will be allowed in. But I live on the border and I don't see any signs that this is an attempted "takeover."