in Hive Book Club4 years ago

Hola comunidad de Hive hoy les presento unos de mis escritos. esto trata de una leyenda indigena de la etnia "Guaraunos."

Hello Hive community today I present some of my writings. This is about an indigenous legend of the "Guaraunos" ethnic group.

Habia una vez una indiecita de cabellera muy larga y cuerpo esbelto que vivia en la aldea "Guaraunos", juntos a sus padres y abuelos. Ella poseia un don especial con sus manos, ya que tejia hermosos y coloridos tapetes llenos de encanto. todas las mujeres de la aldea quedaban sorprendidos con los tejidos de Arañumi, y no podian entender como cada una de sus piezas mostraban gran pomposidad, que no se encontraba imperfeccion alguna. Muchos en la aldea se hacian esta pregunta ¿Quien le habia dado este don?.

Once upon a time there was a little Indian girl with very long hair and a slender body who lived in the "Guaraunos" village, together with her parents and grandparents. She had a special gift with her hands, as she wove beautiful and colorful rugs full of charm. All the women of the village were surprised with Arañumi's weavings, and they could not understand how each of his pieces showed great pomposity, that no imperfections were found. Many in the village asked themselves this question, who had given him this gift?

Era tan habilidosa y trabajadora que todos los chamanes y jefes de la tribus les pedian que tejieran sus trajes. Esto causo el recelo y la envidia de muchas mujeres de la aldea, en especial Kavana que era una mujer envidiosa del pueblo donde vivia Arañumi. De ella se decia que tenia poderes magicos para hacer maldad y cualquier labor que quisiera llevar a cabo.

She was so skilled and hardworking that all the shamans and tribal chiefs asked her to weave her suits. This caused the suspicion and envy of many women in the village, especially Kavana who was an envious woman from the town where Arañumi lived. It was said about her that she had magical powers to do evil and whatever work she wanted to carry out.

Llego el dia esperado por toda la tribu, el dia de dar gracias a los dioses por la grandiosa cosecha que se habia logrado ese año.
En casa de Arañumi reinaba la alegria y la felicidad porque ellos tambien habian cosechados y recolectados buenos frutos.

The day expected by the whole tribe arrived, the day to give thanks to the gods for the great harvest that had been achieved that year. In Arañumi's house, joy and happiness reigned because they too had harvested and gathered good fruits.


Todos los aldeanos se reunieron en el centro del pueblo, mostrando sus ofrendas gloriosas para rendir tributo a los dioses. Ahi llego Arañumi llena de encanto y belleza, segura de su talento y abrumada por la mirada aguda de todos. Tambien fue a llevar sus ofrendas Kavana y se encontro de frente con Arañumi, sus miradas se encontraron llenas de odio; en ese instante Arañumi reto a la bruja Kavana para que hicieran una competencia de tejidos y ésta, enojada con un arranque violento acepto el reto.

All the villagers gathered in the center of the village, displaying their glorious offerings to pay tribute to the gods. Arañumi arrived there full of charm and beauty, sure of her talent and overwhelmed by everyone's sharp gaze. Kavana also went to bring his offerings and met Arañumi head-on, their gazes were filled with hatred; At that moment Arañumi challenged the witch Kavana to do a weaving competition and she, angry with a violent outburst, accepted the challenge.

La indiecita de cabellera larga y la india Kavana con sus poderes magicos se dispusieron hacer sus labores de tejidos, teniendo como testigos a todos los pobladores de la tribu. Como era de esperarse la india Arañumi impresionó y cautivo a todos con sus hermoso y esplendoroso tapiz, Kavana se lleno de ira y se sintio desfallecer por su derrota ante la tribu y una indiecita inexperta y, para vencerla la maldijo convirtiendola en araña, todo el pueblo lloro y lamento la trajedia de la indiecita, y los indios enardecidos de rabia arrojaron a la bruja Kavana de la tribu para que mas nunca regresara a su pueblo.

The long-haired Indian girl and the Indian Kavana with her magical powers set out to do their weaving work, having as witnesses all the inhabitants of the tribe. As expected, the Indian Arañumi impressed and captivated everyone with her beautiful and splendid tapestry, Kavana was filled with anger and felt faint at her defeat before the tribe and an inexperienced Indian girl and, to defeat her, he cursed her by turning her into a spider, all the The people cried and lamented the tragedy of the indiecita, and the Indians enraged with rage threw the witch Kavana from the tribe so that she would never return to her village.

Y asi Arañumi se convirtio en la Reina de las Arañas del pueblo "Guaraunos".
Esta etnia continua admirando y respetando la vida a las arañas y contemplando sus magnificas telas tejidas.

And so Arañumi became the Queen of the Spiders of the "Guaraunos" people.
This ethnic group continues to admire and respect the life of spiders and contemplate their magnificent woven fabrics.

Espero y les encante esta hermosa leyenda llena de misterio y ocultismo indigena.