Welcome to Hive Book Club Highlight #290
Our community contest is still ongoing, remember to submit your entry.
Since we want to keep you on the loop of what we're doing here are some of updates and what we're doing.
- We organize bi-weekly contest with prize pool 25 Hive. Don't forget to participate!
- We tip post and commenters especially those who made it to highlight.
- We submit a content that fits our standard to OCD as we've been a long standing partner with them.
- Our Highlight and Curation is every Monday to Friday. During the weekend, our team focuses on admin work.
- We plan on re-designing the logo and organize a contest on it soon. Stay tuned! the prize pool is expected around 150 Hive.
If you like what we do, don't hesitate to delegate to use through @hivebookclub.
Today we're highlighting some of these content that you might enjoy.
I had several weeks with the desire to read a new novel that would grab me, but I had tried several and didn't feel that spark of feeling in love with what I was reading... until I met January and August, a complete cliché that was just what I needed, a touch of summer freshness to read for hours. So I'm very excited to introduce you to "Beach Read" from Emily Henry✨
Another example: "In 1995, a transgender woman named Kimberly Nixon applied to volunteer as a rape crisis counsellor at the Vancouver Rape Relief centre. VRR turned Nixon down." Naturally, he decided to take his complaint to the Human Rights Commission. "It took more than 5 years for the matter to get to trial--and cost VRR more than $150,000." And Nixon won.
Penny is the one who goes through the most character development in the book because Noah is hardly ever present. Penny suffers from anxiety, which does not pair well with tour life, but she seems to stay strong for the most part while everything she and Noah have planned for the tour falls apart. Penny's development doesn't come from her experience of disappointment and heartbreak, but also because she is a young girl going through the process of figuring out what she wants to do with her life. Penny brings her camera and loves to take photographs everywhere she goes and then she happens to snap a picture of the famous singer Leah Brown (also on tour with The Sketch— Noah's band) in disguise which changes her point of view. When Leah asks Penny if she could use the photo for her album cover, it becomes exactly that moment for Penny. Penny figures out that her passion can be something more for her and most people don't realize that.
This is my second Filven, because last year I also had the opportunity to enjoy it much closer to home. This time my experience was a little different because getting there was really an ordeal because we got lost twice hahaha but when we arrived, although my time was short, I enjoyed it a lot. I had the opportunity to enjoy several stands with publishers from various Latin American countries, which I will show you later because first I would like to tell you that this year our guest country was Colombia, so at the entrance there were some beautiful posters. During the afternoon they were going to hold a tribute event to the great writer Gabriel García Márquez in which I think they were going to raffle books (they already did it in previous days) however, I couldn't stay because I had another commitment but I guess it was very nice because when I arrived they were preparing it and they didn't let me enter the room.
This book is meant to inspire the next generation by showing them that everyone can succeed no matter what their background or level of poverty; all it takes is perseverance, focus, and determination. I recently read Ben Carson's biography, and it inspired and moved me.Mothers are extremely important in a child's life. Ben Carson succeeded greatly because of his mother's unwavering support and encouragement, and her never-ending belief in him.
Each article tells you how to identify, gain or control power in different ways. It talks about the characteristics and abilities of people who have power. It doesn't tell you this in a-straightforward writing. It first gives you and explains long historical events.The author helps us to understand the lessons to be learned from these events, and at the end he summarizes these lessons. When I first started reading the book, I was expecting only these summaries, but I did not expect to learn history in such depth.
What is Hive Book Club?
Hive Book Club is a community made by book lovers, for book lovers. A place where the chaotic minds of writers may punch away words from their keyboards as they share their writing adventures. Where passionate book collectors may rummage through their stacks of books to share and review their latest additions. Outside of our regular curation process, we may create contests for our community to participate in, and earn even more from their posts. If you have a certain theme for a future contest you would like to see, let us know! Be sure to check with us frequently on our various social media platforms to avoid missing out!
How Do We Choose The Highlighted Posts?
For those of you curious as to how you may have been chosen or would like to be chosen in the future in one of these compilations: we scan through the community and read the many posts that the community members write. We then select four or five posts that we believe meet certain criteria and are worthy of sharing with the rest of the community. We aim to keep these selections diverse in style, from writing skills or subject matter.
Hence, throughout the week, the moderators will check the community and manually handpick the posts. Some factors include the post subject, post quality, engagement, personal voice, and general effort. If we choose you, or you happen to stumble across these highlights, please do check out the other posts we feature, and contribute to their curation and engagement!
Hive Witnesses.Hive Book Club is supported in the OCD Community Incubation Program. If you like what they do for the community, OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness! You can vote for @ocd-witness, with
Oh wow thank you for the mention ☺ I don't know why I didn't get notification for it though 🤔🤯
Oh, we thought by just including them with CC they'd be notified hehe. Thanks for mentioning this, we'll revert to the previous system and template. See you around! it was a good read 😊