Hive Book Club Highlight #314

in Hive Book Clublast month (edited)
Authored by @macchiata


Welcome to Hive Book Club Highlight #314



Hey everyone! to kick off some more activity in the community, let's start out this week by this simple prompt!

Which productivity book has had the biggest impact on your daily routine, and why?

There's no minimum of words and feel free to tell us about it.

This isn't a contest but a weekly prompt that will happen every Monday 😊 as perhaps throughout the week you have finished reading a book and wanted to share a particular experience when you finished reading a book. Let us know if you make one! there might be some tip along the way 😊


Today we're highlighting some of these content that you might enjoy. Check them out & don't forget to engage.

Author: @gislandpoetic

Today I share with you the review of one of the many books I have had the pleasure of reading. Always from a sincere aspiration that more people enjoy literature, because books give us the possibility to live millions of lives within the only one we have. Living those lives is a way to mock the limitation of time, because we are born to die, but the important thing is what we do with that sigh of life, with that little time we have to enjoy being alive.

Author: @deraaa

Written by Jane Igharo, The Sweetest Remedy is centered on a young woman bred in San Francisco. This woman got to meet her father, who was of Nigerian descent, once. The next time she is summoned by her father is for his funeral. In this book, we journey with the female protagonist to a land she does not know, to meet people who have no idea she exists.

Author: @namiks

A great surprise upon opening the little book was its short stories were incredibly short. Stories that are about a page in length. Concise to their points. How a Ghastly Story Was Brought to Light by a Common or Garden Butcher's Dog contains a series of stories that are almost warnings. Reminders of human condition that go into the ways in which people cheat, manipulate, or exploit others. And how people end up easily fooled. I found them to be great reads over coffee, little snippets of narrative that explored a setting and limited characters rather quickly. The simplicity of a backstory which sets things up, and the concise stories that ultimately sum up short moments in life. These little moments of life show the details of human interaction, and how easy it is for one to either miss or notice the complexities of that aforementioned variation in human interactions. The ways in which people connect and the ways in which people use interactions for specific agendas. The first story takes us on a story of how someone will always notice wrongdoing, and how someone will always choose to pursue the right thing.

Author: @jhymi

Yayyyy, I finally get to give my review on this book. I was done with it last week and can I just say that this book took me on a ride like no other. I wasn’t feeling out of sorts or anything. The title drew me in and from the very first page, it felt like I was in on something raw and powerful. What happens when you fall for the one man you can’t have? Lol, I’m already getting ahead of myself. Let’s get into the review.

Author: @viviehardika

But yesterday after the check-up, I found that my kidneys were in good condition, but I haven't finished reading the book, for me, I will keep reading it because my health doesn't end after a Medical Check Up. However, distraction came back when I saw my neighbor's child having an allergy. He was only one year old, a red rash covered his entire body. I thought he was just allergic. I also experience this allergy when I eat too much chicken, my face will have a kind of acne. Sometimes the acne is also on the back.

Author: @jessuses1381

What I liked most about this story is how the author plays with the typical romantic comedy clichés and flips them on their head.... Nora is aware that she has always been the “villain” in the love stories of her ex boyfriends, who have left her for more “socially acceptable” girls.. it is interesting to see a protagonist who embraces her ambition and success without having to make much drama out of it... The chemistry in these two leads is electrifying from the start, their exchanges full of sarcasm and literary references made me laugh more than once.... I also really liked how their relationship develops out of a mutual love for each other, which is about a deep shared love of books!

Author: @victor2356

They say that faith in God moves mountains, that miracles exist, I must admit that this is true, every day God performs not one but many small miracles for us, miracles that sometimes we do not see or do not want to see because we are attentive to insignificant things or materials, the mere fact of waking up in the morning is already a miracle, seeing that our loved ones are well, that when we have problems that overwhelm us or despair, God gives us the solution because after the storm comes calm, those are small miracles .


What is Hive Book Club?

Hive Book Club is a community made by book lovers, for book lovers. A place where the chaotic minds of writers may punch away words from their keyboards as they share their writing adventures. Where passionate book collectors may rummage through their stacks of books to share and review their latest additions. Outside of our regular curation process, we may create contests for our community to participate in, and earn even more from their posts. If you have a certain theme for a future contest you would like to see, let us know! Be sure to check with us frequently on our various social media platforms to avoid missing out!

How Do We Choose The Highlighted Posts?

For those of you curious as to how you may have been chosen or would like to be chosen in the future in one of these compilations: we scan through the community and read the many posts that the community members write. We then select four or five posts that we believe meet certain criteria and are worthy of sharing with the rest of the community. We aim to keep these selections diverse in style, from writing skills or subject matter.

Hence, throughout the week, the moderators will check the community and manually handpick the posts. Some factors include the post subject, post quality, engagement, personal voice, and general effort. If we choose you, or you happen to stumble across these highlights, please do check out the other posts we feature, and contribute to their curation and engagement!


We also have a Discord server! Be sure to join it to stay up-to-date with the latest events, and communicate with our community! Hive Book Club Server

Hive Book Club is supported in the OCD Community Incubation Program. If you like what they do for the community, OCD Has a Hive Witness ... @OCD-Witness! You can vote for @ocd-witness, with Hive Witnesses.

Join us today and discover the joy of being part of a vibrant book club community!


Aww... thank you @hivebookclub for your appreciation. Congrats for all participants..

You're welcome and see you around.

Thank you very much for supporting my content and mentioning it.

See you around Victor, it was an awesome review.