It has always been a part of me to want to read books but, for some reasons I let that part of me end up in the mud for a very long time without even trying to pick it up and get it cleaned. I felt that I needed to focus on other things more than reading random books just for the fun or knowledge of it. It took me donkey years to realize that reading books are part of the things that I’d love to achieve by the time my life has gotten to its vertex. There is something my teachers would always say, ”if you want to hide something from people, hide it in a book because most people don’t like reading books”. Sadly, despite how much I heard that, I was still indifferent to reading.
Years past, friends grew and most of my perspectives towards reading books changed too. I mean, like two years ago, I remember very well I had nothing to do with books except academic books. I had no plans to start reading books but mind you, I enjoyed reading various contents by different writers on hive. In a day, I could consume up to 10 posts back then and I enjoyed it. I learnt a lot from most of the contents and I loved how my knowledge about certain stuffs improved. It was from that point I started rethinking why I don’t read books.
As God would help me, I meet a friend who is an avid book reader and lover. He would always talk about the books he has read, would like to read and he is reading. Little did I know that the more he talked about books, the more my interest in them grew. When this year started, part of my goals was to start reading books. I wasn’t sure what my first book would be because I have no books neither soft or hard copies but I wished to start with hard copies. Luckily for me, while searching for a school book one day, I found this self help book which belongs to my roommate. Her sister was an avid reader too.
It was during my second semester examination so I told myself to wait until after exams before I started reading the book. One thing that drew me to the book was the title which is, THE BATTLEFIELD OF THE MIND written by Joyce Meyer. So, after my exams were done, specifically on the 29th of January, 2025 I decided to start reading the book that evening. It was nice as I flip through the pages of the book as it felt like every page has its own unique message it was revealing to me personally. Joyce Meyer as a lady, faced so many challenges as a young girl and that kind of shaped her mind in a way that later caused her so many difficulties in accepting certain things in her life and finally winning the battle.
Her message was one I could relate with on most levels and that alone made me determined to read the book. The book has over 200 pages and 25 chapters. And I carefully took my time to read through all the chapters so I could fully grasp her message of why the book was titled the battlefield of the mind. I don’t think there was a better title to have given that book. Mrs Meyer carefully explained different ways in which we wage wars in our minds even without us knowing and she did that by using herself as the model for most of the things she faced while waging her own battles in her mind.
The book is a self help book. It took me over 2 weeks to completely read all the 25 chapters since I wasn’t so consistent and I remember that as I grew closer to the end, I kept wishing it won’t end and that she would keep adding a next chapter after the last. The book was that captivating for me and I was so glad I started my reading journey with it. I plan to keep reading different books but I will focus more on self help books than fictional books. I have always loved books that add to my life and help me understand how people think than just books that I read for the fun of it and that is why self help books are on the top of my list and Joyce Meyer made me believe that I did not make a wrong choice of books to start with.
If you are also like me, I’ll love to recommend that you look for this book and read it too if you haven’t read it yet. I will give this book a 9/10 rating because it made me really happy that I had a rethink to start reading books again.
Thanks for reading through. ❤️
More than reviewing a book, it is a review of your reading experience.I appreciate your process
You’re right. Thank you. 🤗
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