As always book reading is one of the best part of once socked life.In times of bewelderment it ignites the inner peace and tranquility.
Hlo and welcome my dear loving members.Hope you are with me and with everyone of us.It is much pleasure to find my way to settle here and trying my best to place my order in between you.
***Today I just come with my another try.I came with a yearly master pieces one is Youal Nohas famous work "21 lessons for the 21st century and the second one is a Japanese famous Ikagi(How to find peace and happiness)...
Both are Magna Carta of ages and are best international selling.We are going separately to them in their charm of events***
Book 21 lessons for the 21st century is such a mind dashing and well written in which an author is much more a mind washer.We feel many things at a same time.The history, philosophy, fiction,infotech,biotech and modern day warfare.Author deeply go to the modern day folishness of over thinking and modern warfare tactics.He deeply analysis the loopholes of big technology gaints.How deeply Artificial intelligence hurts and send us many waves of dispar and alignment.He divides the whole summary within his modified energy.The chapter wise breakup is degestive to everyone and is much more soluble.
The modern man is acquired and foolishly corrupt by fiction.They are designed themselves in excellence with machines.They made them if they are out of race now.It is now game of artificial intelligence AI where humans are disgusting creation.The way algorithm is screwed in them is wonderly adjusted the era of large brains.Author tries his best to shape the out come of vanished future
Through its excellence of written composition it brings large ingredients under table.Man is stupid at the end and they are not against to this.Hope is everything but every thing is not a hope.The collision in between ignites a solid spark which vanishes everything.Hope brings civilizations together and every human civilization do must take part of survival.Survival is an another thing in times of machine wars and the age of AI cum Algorithms which we do share.In future we are heading to age of empety boxes,where we no nothing more than the buzz of a machine bees.The hope sustains everything from evolution to delusion.What do modern man in taking things easily ,only the salves of them.
At the same time the wonders of Ikagi did to my life is supernatural and superstructure.It builds the structure of healthy life of worlds highest aged people.In Japen there is an island namely Okinawa where world's aged people are living.A group of researchers went there in search of what they eat, do, excercise and routine of worlds aged people who still feels young energetic and living in their dreamy land.Every thing is not luxury and luxury is not only living in decoration with belly pandels.But healthy , wealthy and wise ly is much awaited.
This book seeks so many wise tips for modern man regarding to their health if they are still hypnotised by tech gaints.Health is much more precious and none is more super than that...
Hope you will enjoy my overview...
Love 😘💕 and hope well...
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Yuval Noah Harari is one the best author this days ❤️
Offcourse me too