Hello dear friends I hope you are very well, today like other days I will talk about a fantastic book, it is one of my favorites, it is even my favorite of Paulo Coelho because it is full of tension from start to finish. "The Demon and Miss Prym", this novel presents us the duality of people, the battle that exists between good and evil within each of us, "The Demon and the Angel" as we know it colloquially, this book presents us with the question: Who will win the eternal battle between good and evil? The author in the book teaches us that there will always be an internal struggle between whether to act good or evil, throughout our lives we will be presented with thousands of ways to do good or evil, and only the winner of this battle will be who we decide, we must get rid of our inner demons, and always keep our mind free of bad thoughts, the author indicates that we should not be totally good in everything, we should keep a little of that malice so that the demons of others do not destroy us, that is to say we should be resilient to any negative circumstance that comes our way and take the good out of it.
We meet a foreigner haunted by the ghost of a painful past, he was a "good" man, he was happy with his family, but one day everything changed, his wife and daughter were kidnapped and murdered, that is why he wants to know why things happened, why he had to suffer so much, why his family was killed, why people are bad, because of this he arrives to a small town called Viscos, this character just wants to know if the human being can be induced or is it nature to be good or bad? Throughout the book he comes to the conclusion that depending on the conditions and what we want as people all human beings on earth are willing to do evil, he himself was willing to do evil to this people, he gave them 7 days to decide to do a murder, upon arriving at the village he chooses Miss Prym "Chantal", the only young person in the village, and shows her some gold bars, He proposes her to decide whether to steal the gold and leave, or tell everyone in town that they have 7 days to do a murder, they could kill an old man or whoever they wanted and everyone will receive the gold, which everyone needs, this is where a week begins in the lives of normal people who are suddenly confronted with love, death and power, thinking about doing good or evil.
I want to know if we are good or bad, if we are good God is just, if we are bad everything is permitted, we are condemned.

Ocurrieron muchas veces donde todos se vieron realmente tentados en hacer el mal, incluso decidieron matar a la mas anciana de la aldea, en el momento de la ejecución la señorita prym les hablo y les indico que no deben hacer eso, que no son personas malas, que no deben decidir hacer el mal ya que son personas buenas, y haciendo el bien llegan cosas positivas a nuestra vida, pero se entendió que con lo sucedido es necesario que el mal se manifieste para comprender el valor del bien, es decir debe manifestarse y cumplir con su papel para que el bien pueda vencer al final.
Bueno amigos de verdad recomiendo este libro y espero que lo disfruten tanto como yo lo hice. Saludos a todos.
There were many times when everyone was really tempted to do evil, they even decided to kill the oldest woman in the village, at the time of the execution Miss Prym spoke to them and told them that they should not do that, that they are not bad people, that they should not decide to do evil because they are good people, and doing good brings positive things to our lives, but it was understood that with what happened it is necessary for evil to manifest itself to understand the value of good, that is, it must manifest itself and fulfill its role so that good can win in the end.
Well friends I really recommend this book and I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Greetings to all.
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Las imágenes fueron tomadas al libro/The images were taken from the book