Once Minutos./ Eleven minutes. "PAULO COELHO" 📖📚 (Book review)

in Hive Book Club4 years ago


Hola queridos amigos en esta oportunidad les hablare de mi autor favorito, ya antes les hable de uno de los libro de Paulo Coelho, esta oportunidad les mostrare uno de sus libros que les tenia con miedo a que los lectores lo criticaran, pero El expreso que simplemente debía hacerlo,incluso indicando que sabe que sus libros le inspiran a los lectores, ya que así se lo han expresado, pero quería que este libro también inspirara siendo tocado un tema que para muchas personas aun en pleno siglo XXI causa tabú, y para otras simplemente es algo natural que incluso es excesivo, actualmente lo observamos en las canciones, en los vídeos, las vestimenta, las publicidades, siento que debería existir siempre un punto medio, y esto viene siendo culpa de la sociedad en las que estamos rodeados, ONCE MINUTOS. En lo particular debo indicarles que a mi me encanto este libro, es un libro reflexivo y realmente su temática y su trama me atrajo de principio a fin, ya que nos presenta la búsqueda de la unión del cuerpo y alma como uno solo.

Google image. "estaeslalibreria.com"

Hello dear friends, this time I will talk about my favorite author, I have already talked about one of Paulo Coelho's books, this time I will show you one of his books that I was afraid that the readers would criticize it, but he expressed that he simply had to do it, even indicating that he knows that his books inspire the readers, since they have expressed it to him, but he wanted this book to also inspire by touching a topic that for many people even in the XXI century is taboo, and for others it is simply something natural that is even excessive, now we see it in songs, videos, clothing, advertising, I feel that there should always be a middle ground, and this is the fault of the society in which we are surrounded, ELEVEN MINUTES. In particular I must tell you that I loved this book, it is a thoughtful book and really its theme and plot attracted me from beginning to end, as it presents the search for the union of body and soul as one.

Life is very fast, it makes people go from heaven to hell in a matter of seconds.

¿Porque once minutos?. A lo largo de la lectura María su personaje principal nos expresa que once minutos es el tiempo que dura muchas de las relaciones sexuales, sin contar el momento previo, todo se resume a once minutos.

Why eleven minutes? Throughout the reading, Maria, the main character, tells us that eleven minutes is the time that many sexual relations last, without counting the previous moment, everything is summed up in eleven minutes.

I have discovered why a man pays for a woman: He wants to be happy.

¿Porque es tan difícil hablar de sexo estos días?, ¿Es posible evitar que alguien se ruborice en torno a la sola idea?. Pues realmente si es difícil, hay muchas personas con pensamientos libres pero en cambio hay otras que les enseñan que conocerse y explorarse es malo, que formar UNO con tu pareja no es necesario. A mi parecer es tan necesario como respirar si deseamos ser feliz. A estas alturas el sexo se ha convertido en algo mecánico, efectos del propio instinto, una cuestión carnal, de requerimiento fisiológico.

I need to write about love. I need to think, to write about love, or my soul will not resist.

Why is it so difficult to talk about sex these days, is it possible to prevent someone from blushing at the mere thought of it? Well, it really is difficult, there are many people with free thoughts but on the other hand there are others who are taught that getting to know each other and exploring each other is bad, that forming ONE with your partner is not necessary. In my opinion it is as necessary as breathing if we want to be happy. By now sex has become something mechanical, an effect of instinct, a carnal matter, a physiological requirement.

Sex has been used like any drug: to escape from reality, to forget problems, to relax.

Esta el hecho de fingir un orgasmo, la masturbación como excusa para no incluir un tercero , el miedo a involucrar los sentimientos, el hecho de equiparar el amor al sufrimiento, las pocas ganas de comprometerse, de involucrarse. Todo esto relacionado al hecho de no creer en el amor, de no tener una buena conversación con quien esta a tu lado, de no tener confianza y expresar lo que realmente te guste o no, de enseñar sin temor al que dirán, de abrir tus sentimientos cuando realmente alguien te importe.

Coelho nos propone respuestas y es que todos hemos ligado severamente el amor al dolor, es a causa de esto que la gente evita amar y sin amor el sexo sublime esta descartado. Esta obra exalta el conocimiento del cuerpo, el espíritu y la perfecta unión de ambos.

I hate what I do, it's destroying my soul. Life is short, or too long for me to afford to live it so badly.
There is the fact of faking an orgasm, masturbation as an excuse not to include a third party, the fear of involving feelings, the fact of equating love to suffering, the unwillingness to commit, to get involved. All this related to the fact of not believing in love, of not having a good conversation with the person next to you, of not having confidence and expressing what you really like or not, of teaching without fear of what people will say, of opening your feelings when you really care about someone.

Coelho proposes answers and we have all severely linked love to pain, it is because of this that people avoid loving and without love the sublime sex is discarded. This work exalts the knowledge of the body, the spirit and the perfect union of both.

We all know how to love, for we are born with that gift. "The most important encounters have already been planned by the souls before the bodies have even seen each other."

Todo esto nos los expresa a través de la historia de María, una niña que creció en un pequeño pueblo de Brasil que por falta de conocimiento de sus padres, por falta de una buena comunicación ella simplemente decidió ser prostituta, no porque fuese obligada a serlo, o porque estaba pasando hambre, ella solo decidió serlo porque si, aunque odiara serlo todos los días de su vida, se dio cuenta que ganaba buen dinero y quería reunir el suficiente para regresar a su pueblo, ella paso por muchas cosas negativas en todo su recorrido, pero su personaje creció, maduro y evoluciono es lo que mas me gusto, de ser una chica ingenua, cerrada a amar, al final abrió su corazón, se enamoro de un pintor muy rico, que encontró en ella la luz que ella misma no notaba, se enamoraron, y lo mas bonito de todo que si como cualquier cuento de hadas quedaron juntos, hicieron una bonita familia.

La conclusión de Paulo Coelho al terminar su obra fue: “Que siempre intentamos seguir un manual del sexo, y eso es un error. Once minutos es una reflexión, pero uno no aprende de la sexualidad leyendo. Hay que practicarla, hay que vivirla. Para mí sólo existen tres cosas totalmente prohibidas: la pedofilia, el incesto y el estupro. Aparte de eso, creo que toda pareja tiene libertad para ejercer las mil y una maneras de hacer el amor, desde que haya amor.” www.paulocoelho.com.br

Finally, I thank Maria, now living in Lausanne, married with two beautiful daughters, who has shared with me her story on which this book is based.

All this is expressed through the story of Maria, a girl who grew up in a small town in Brazil that for lack of knowledge of her parents, for lack of good communication she simply decided to be a prostitute, not because she was forced to be one, or because she was starving, she just decided to be one because she hated being one every day of her life, she realized that she earned good money and wanted to gather enough to return to her town, She went through many negative things throughout her journey, but her character grew, matured and evolved is what I liked the most, from being a naive girl, closed to love, in the end she opened her heart, she fell in love with a very rich painter, who found in her the light that she herself did not notice, they fell in love, and the most beautiful of all that if like any fairy tale they stayed together, they made a beautiful family.

Paulo Coelho's conclusion at the end of his work was: "That we always try to follow a sex manual, and that is a mistake. Eleven minutes is a reflection, but you don't learn about sexuality by reading about it. You have to practice it, you have to live it. For me there are only three things that are totally forbidden: pedophilia, incest and rape. Apart from that, I believe that every couple has the freedom to exercise the thousand and one ways of making love, as long as there is love." www.paulocoelho.com.br

I was hurt when I lost the men I fell in love with. Today, I am convinced that no one loses anyone, because no one owns anyone.
That is the true experience of freedom: to have the most important thing in the world without owning it.





Imágenes de Google, otras de Canva creadas por mi, y las imágenes del libro son realizadas por mi./Images from Google, others from Canva created by me, and the images in the book are made by me.
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