Aksi Massa (Mass Action) – Tan Malaka.

in Hive Book Club3 days ago


This book with a red cover is one of the books that everyone should read. Again, Tan Malaka became a legendary figure with his thoughts. A person who was almost forgotten in history, even though this person should have been an inspiration to many people with his intelligence in the state.

He was a figure who was considered a rebel and radical with communist ideology, without knowing that there were many things that were not revealed because he was hated by evil people who used all means to gain profit. This is one of the books that is very interesting to read, in an era of crisis of state integrity, especially in Indonesia.

I reread this book that I had read when I was still studying at a university. Tan Malaka's books are books that must be read for anyone who has just received an identity card to show themselves as someone who is important in the state.

In Tan Malaka's book entitled Mass Action, it is a book that contains about struggle. In the state we must understand and be smart, to know our needs in politics and economics so that we cannot be fooled. Revolution is the key in this book. What is the meaning of revolution in the true sense. Tan Malaka provides many real examples of how a revolution should be.



In this book, Tan Malaka explains that the struggle for revolution is not just a group that wants freedom or changes new rules. But the real revolution must be in accordance with the needs of the people, not a handful of people. Revolution requires many things, including mass action led by someone who is revolutionary, patient, fast, capable, intelligent and alert to politics. It is not easy but the hope for revolution will remain.

There is one thing I like about Tan Malaka's book. How he conveys something that is still relevant today. That political needs remain the same, there are many people who take advantage of others to continue to be oppressed as a political support. For example, a democratic government that still uses the method of maintaining poor and stupid people to be used in every democratic party. Isn't that still very clear today?


Of course, Tan Malaka's book is composed with sentences that are difficult to understand, especially terms that we don't often find in everyday life. Sentences composed with the local language attached, because Tan Malaka was born from Minangkabau, so the mother tongue that is not easy to understand must be homework to dig deeper. But I think Tan Malaka's books are one of the books that will never run out of print, because each of his ideas becomes knowledge for many people.

About Author

Call me Isdarmady, because I have a full name that is very long, namely Isdarmady Syahputra Ritonga. I am a head of the family who work as Farmers Vegetables Hydroponic and Consultant Hydroponics, sometimes I also sell coffee from various regions in Indonesia.
I have expertise dispensing coffee with a variety of techniques and tools brewing, because I have the desire to make a coffee shop with hydroponics as centerpieces. Help me realize that dream.

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I am impressed by how you emphasize that the revolution, for him, is not just superficial change, but something that must arise from the real needs of the people.

Sometimes I need a book like this to reread so I can relate to the current situation, with democracy being quite weak where I currently live.