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RE: 5 Great and Easy Books to Start Your Reading Journey

in Hive Book Club3 months ago

I've only read two of those on the list, amazing ones by the way, so I won't doubt that the other 3 are as well. Bonjour Tristes se caught my attention powerfully, as you describe, I really like books that lead you to reflect on life.

I have a Great expectations of charles dickens, neither is a short book but very great, it is also a book that leads to reflection and self analysis, at the same time you know the history of persojes and how bad ambition can have unfortunate consequences.

Thank you very much for your recommendations.


Hey, thanks for your cool comment. I’m glad that Bonjour tristesse caught your attention, I hope you can read it soon.

As far of Charles Dickens, I have only read three books from him, and two of them (Oliver Twist and A Tale of Two Cities) weren’t precisely easy reads, but they were great anyway, and there’s a reason why they are considered classics. I’ve always wanted to read Great Expectations, but never been able to get my hands on it; I saw the 1998 movie version, though.

Reading is one of the best things anyone can do for themselves, especially reading fiction. Check my other book recommendations, you’re going to like them too.