Two Bookwyrm reviews

in Hive Book Club5 months ago (edited)

For too long I have been away... again -- even committing the crime of not voting! My mundane life sort of clogs up the pipes and disturbs my online existence. It is very sad.

I have been working on my film as much as other things have permitted me, but that is sadly not as much as I would like it to be. I'll write about all my projects and where they stand soon.

Instead I just wrote a couple of small reviews on the site called Bookwyrm a decentralised site I have been using since this summer. It is an opensource, activitypub version of Goodreads. Not sure what good it really does, but I guess that goes for all social media activity.

It can be used for simply keeping track of what you read in a year - not that that ever really meant much to me. It can be used to write reviews and help others find new books to read, which sounds honourable and socially responsible. So just now I wrote two reviews of the EPIC fantasy-books I'm reading. Here they are (you can also check out the links.

First Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson.

Original and complex fantasy

Gardens of the moon_bred.jpg

As soon as you turn the first pages of this book you know that you are in the high fantasy genre. You are thrown in medias res, and have to cling to the sentences to understand what all those names and concepts mean. There are some very pictorial scenes of magical battle that fascinates and some rather quirky characters who amuses... but it is a bit of a mouthful.

Then you start realising that this is not the common high fantasy fare after all. There are no direct analogue in human history, as is otherwise typical of fantasy universes (ie. those are Romans, those are European medieval kingdoms etc.). There's an originality to the people and customs described, and beneath it all the complexity of the history of not one, but several ancient civilisations lurks.

The tone might at times be a little too heroic and grandly, and there's a lot of recurring inner dialogue used to characterise that might have been skipped. But all in all the sheer richness of the world and the originality of the characters compensate these minor flaws. The book is hard to get hold of, but you have nine more books in which you can get familiar with the universe, so read slowly and enjoy being in a world that only resembles ours in its cruelty.

Definitely recommended.

Then Deadhouse gates also by Steven Erikson.

Cruelty with nastiness on top


The second book of the Malazan Empire's escapades is not for the weak of heart. It is somewhat simpler - following fewer and more defined storylines, than its predecessor (Gardens of the Moon) which makes for an easier read. There's still plenty of characters you will need to take in, even though some of them were also in the last book chaining things a little bit together. You are still thrown into medias res without the author bothering to explain much about all those ancient races and civilisations, the concepts of soletaken, d'ivers, ascendancy etc. I sort of like this, reading slowly and taking notes... what is a Jhaghut? What is the Tiste Edur and what is their relationship with the Tiste Andii mentioned in the previous book? Ha, the author don't give a shit about our hardship and wont give you any explanation! You are on your own in this strange world. But at least you will early on come to understand how enormously complex the history of this place is.

Then there's the cruelty and the inhuman trials that the characters have to go through. The only book I can think of that matches it in this regard is Salammbô by Gustave Flaubert (which it actually has a lot of other things in common with). When you have finished this you can relax with a book about the siege of Stalingrad or the Mongol Invasions.

The book has (like the previous volume) a lot of interesting and unorthodox characters. It is heroic, epic and quite martial, but offers a lot of other flavours too - including a quirky humour. It is easier to read than Gardens of the Moon, but still complex beyond reason.

I like it.


I would say fantasy is my favorite genre but I just could not get into this series for some reason. i know I read at least the first two but I barely remember them at this point. I just have this vague impression of endless suffering and misery. i don't really recall what the plot even was. In a way, they reminded me of The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant series by Stephen R. Donaldson at least in terms of tone.

I still have them sitting on a shelf and I'll probably give them another try at some point though I'm sure I'll have to start over or I won't know what is going on, lol.

Starting over seems inevitable... I agree on that . And now over halfway through the third book I have to say that the cruelty and the suffering hasn't diminished one bit. If anything it has reached new absurd levels :)

They all seem like thorough fun. Nothing massages the imagination like fantasy and universes that are totally different but still human.

True, fantasy can be really great.

I've never read interesting book like these ones you described here.
I would check them out through those links you sent.
I hope they will go smoothly the way you reviewed them.
I think I would go for Gardens of the Moon first, since you said it's more complex.

It's a long series so Gardens of the Moon is where to start.

I managed to miss this post. I've been using Bookwyrm too as I needed to get off the corporate Goodreads. I mainly use it as a record of what I read.

I've read a bit of fantasy and it can be derivative. Coming up with an original world is hard. I think Tolkien set some of the standards, but he drew on previous myths. I've read much more science fiction and that can be more radical in the worlds and peoples.

I've been reading a real mix of stuff lately, but don't get through as many books as I would like to.

Happy reading.

I Haven't been reading much lately either. Too busy. But I guess I'll do better in the new year.

Your comments have left me wanting to dive into Erikson's world. I like that feeling of being thrown right into the story and having to discover everything without too much explanation. The complexity and originality of his worlds are really appealing, especially when it comes to epic fantasy.

WOW 😳. My good friend ❤️❤️. Where have you been all this while? Welcome back. Good to see you around. Miss you 😚😚 @katharsisdrill

@katharsisdrill Happy weekend to you my friend. Where have you been? Hope you doing great. Greetings 🤠🤠.