I mentioned in my intro post that I have already read 42 books since 2021 began. That number is now 50.
If you’re an avid reader like me, then you understand why it’s possible for me to reach that number. You may even have read more books than me. However, others may have a hard time believing this.
If you’re one of the people curious as to how I’ve read so many books, then read on to find out how I did it. This will also be useful if you want to start reading more.
IT'S A PILE. I bought more books recently but before opening those packages, I wanted to inventory my existing books. This is to remind myself that I still have a lot more on my TBR and that I should slow down from buying more (for now).
When I share how many books I’ve already read to people, the usual comment I get is along the lines of “I wish I could read that many books, but I don’t have the time”.
The truth? YOU HAVE TIME.
It’s a misconception that in order to read books, you have to “find time”. That’s not the case. It’s you who has the power to “make time”.
Photo of my watch in front of my book pile to emphasize the point. Haha
If you have time for a lunch break, you have time to read. If you have time to binge watch a Netflix series, you have time to read. If you have a long commute time, you have time to read. If you have time for a nap, you have time to read. If you have time to daydream a whole romantic scene about your crush, you have time to read.
I can go on and on and on and on and on.. But you get what I’m saying, right? I am able to read as many books as I have because I made the choice to read.
BOOK JOURNALING. Here is an entry from my journal last January when I read In a Holidaze and The Unhoneymooners by Christina Lauren. I love journaling about what I read to document my thoughts.
This doesn’t even mean that you have to give up all those things I’ve mentioned just to be able to read. It’s all about what you want.
Instead of binge watching 20 episodes of a series on Netflix, I will watch 10 episodes instead and read for the remainder of the time that I could have watched the other ten episodes.
Instead of taking a 30-minute nap during my lunch break, I do a 15-minute nap and read for the other 15 minutes.
READ OR WATCH? You can do both! Here's my open book with the Netflix logo in the background.
You don’t have to read a whole book in one sitting. As long as you get to read little by little, you’ll finish a book eventually.
If you’ve read this far, tell me, have you been inspired to start reading more? If the answer is still no, I have more tips to read more that cannot fit in this post because it will be super long already.
So stay tuned for the sequels. ;)
But before I let you go, here's my recent book hauls that I talked about:
Beautiful classics
I am trying to collect all the Wordsworth Collector's Editions and these are three of my latest buys. I now have six of these beautiful gems. Pretty, aren't they?
My Wordsworth collection
People We Meet on Vacation by Emily Henry
I have read Beach Read by Emily Henry in eBook format and I knew right away that I wanted that one and her latest book in a physical copy. I prioritized buying this one first since I haven't read it yet. But I will buy my preferred cover of Beach Read when I have the budget. Also thrilled that EH is coming out with a book next year called Book Lovers. Talk about meta!
Daisy Jones and the Six by Taylor Jenkins Reid
As for this one.. to be honest, I bought this for the hype. Haha (guilty). Aside from this book, Taylor Jenkins Reid's other books are hyped all over #bookstagram, #booktok, and #booktube so I wanted to know what the fuss is about. A booktuber I follow named gabbyreads said this is a good book to start if you want to read Taylor Jenkins Reid so.. to my collection it goes.
More classics
I don't know about you dear reader, but as for me, the only classic literature I was ever assigned in school were Moby Dick (required reading in grade school), The Canterbury Tales, Beowulf, Lysistrata, The Merchant of Venice (high school), and Sophie's World (undergrad). And I don't remember a word or even emotions out of all of them. Why? Because they were required reading. Maybe I'm weird but I don't want to read when I'm forced to do it.
Anyway, the point is that now that I'm free to do all the reading on my own, I would love to delve into classics more. Hence, when I found out that Collins Classics were the cheapest option for classic literature, I went ahead and added them all to cart. These classics are a gift from my husband @thejoeprocess Thank you, mahal!
For context on how cheap these books are, you can buy:
ten (10) books of Collins Classics = only one (1) hardcover book
Okay. I've talked written more than I planned to. That's how I get when it comes to books.
If you've read this far below, thank you very much! I appreciate it. Truly. Don't forget to let me know your thoughts by leaving a comment.
See you on my next blog!
I agree with making time gyud te tala 🙌 Sometimes the hardest part is starting to read especially when you "think" you need to do other "stuff", but once you start and get hooked, it would be impossible to put down the book, and you'll wonder how you finished reading one, and how time went by so fast.
CUTIEEEE CLASSICSSSS😍 and thankyouuuu for the recos, mag place order nako ayieeee excited kooooo😘
Thankyou for sharing your lovely books with the rest of the world, eye-candy kaayo ang photos and the book covers😍
Thank you for the support always, Ning! Hehe BI nako nimo for introducing you to Shopee 🤣 Shocks. Haha I may not be an extrovert but I can easily talk to anybody as long as it's about books 😅
About sa photos..effort kaayo pag gather sa tanan libro kung wala pa organized the bookcase ay. Haha hopefully soon I can organize them in proper bookshelves para no need na itapok tanan just for a photoshoot hehe
I salute you, and a great post. If possible, I would also like to share a little experience. From the beginning of this year until now, it was recorded that I had finished 126 books, from comics to thick novels, I recorded the books I read and the date they finished in a book. Making lists can also motivate us to read more books. Books are friends who are always there and never betray. 👍🏻👍🏻👍🏻
Wow, you are amazing 😍🙌 That's a lot of books! Kudos to you 👍 I am also the same, I have a list of all the books I've read and the dates I finished them so that it's easy for me to track how many I've read.
Would love to read more comics and graphic novels too but I realized they are more pricey than regular paperbacks that I buy.
Thanks for commenting! 😊
Thank you for sharing! !BBH
Thanks as well for commenting 😊
Of all the impressive things in this post, you got me with this:
Moby Dick (required reading in grade school) - in grade school? What kind of school did you attend, college for kids? That one was over my head, even in college, and when the professor explained what was really going on, I wondered how I ever got the idea to major in English. (I did get better. But I still haven't learned to love James Joyce and other challenging authors.)
I read a book or two a week. Had a thousand book reviews purged by Amazon due to some alleged violation of Friends and Family policy. Authors must build a social media platform. Readers follow on Twitter, Facebook, etc, and the spy bots know if you've (gasp!) dared to exchange emails with an author. Busted. That makes us FRIENDS and it means I have no objectivity. I understand that an epidemic of Indie Authors exploited the 5-star review system to sell books, but I WAS NOT ONE OF THOSE.
No matter. To this day Amazon has not restored those purged reviews. And, stupidly, inexplicably, I continue to post book reviews there, now that my reviewing "privileges" have been restored. Call me an unprincipled idiot.
I read in the car, in the doctor's office, even in long lines at the checkout... Kindle everywhere....
Looks like you're still a fan of paper copies. I had to quit. 3,000 or more books in this house....
Thanks for the inspiration to others to READ MORE. :)
I know, right? What made it even more ridiculous is that while some of us were assigned Moby Dick, some of the class were assigned The Little Prince. Where's the justice? Why not assign The Little Prince for the whole class?! 🤦♀️
Anyway, I didn't know Amazon did that! I don't shop from them so I have no clue but what a waste of good reviews. I love reading reviews as much as I love reading the books themselves because I also want to know what other people think.
And 3000 books?! 😱 Wow. Goals 🙌🙌🙌 I love print and digital copies equally because they each have their own strengths but would love to see my physical book collection grow 😍
Thanks for the comment! I appreciate it
You're right, print and digital books have their own strengths (like, no need to re-charge the paperback). I love the built-in night light of a Kindle. I used to have an awkward little lamp to attach to paperbacks when I wanted to read in bed. (Bad habit, yes, but not gonna give it up.)
Most of my books are second-hand, 50 cents to a dollar at library book sales. Some books, I paid $200 (textbooks, ugh! college is too expensive as it is). Now they're worthless, out of date.
Yes, my reviews were purged, and none were ever restored, yet I continue to give Amazon my business. Shame on me!! Where are my principles??? Trouble is, every author sells via Amazon, and most Indies sell there exclusively (KDP, something like that).
I love reviews too! I want to talk about the characters as if they were my neighbors and co-workers. Gossip, after all, originated as a way of sharing our concerns about fellow villagers...
Congratulations! I do not keep count yet, but today I made a little cleaning and organized my books. TBR pile quite big also in my case, a good reminder that I still have a lot to catch up. I like the way you've taken the photos of your books, quite artistic!
Thank you very much for your kind words, I appreciate it! 💕 Would love to know what's on your TBR. Maybe we have the same books? 😊
Oh I have quite a few. Now I am on Michelle Obama's Becoming...I am at the part where she falls in love with Barack🥰🥰soo cute
These are my TBR.
Wow, that's a great TBR! Thanks a lot for sharing. 😍 I really want to read Diary of a Young Girl and The Art of Thinking Clearly.
And OMG, I actually just got my copy of Becoming by Michelle Obama yesterday! I started reading it right away but I'm still at the part where her mom creates a faux fireplace for their home in Euclid Avenue. Still pretty early, but it's so cool we're reading the same book! 🥳💕
Isn't this just an awesome coincidence? I can only admire the modest beginnings of Miche, it really surprised me to find out these things about her. Wait until she meets Barack and they fall in love.....Awww I am a sucker for lovestories..No spoiler alert but I must tell you that after meeting him she will not be the same.....
This is commendable. I lost my reading vibes when i got a full time job. Still trying to find the lost energy. Very soon, i guess.
Thank you! The same for me. I only returned to reading a lot when the pandemic hit last year. But before that, I haven't had much reading energy because of work. When the time and the book is right, I know you'll be reading again 😊😊❤❤❤
I love reading so much, but i currently have my own reading slump and read a book in a loooong time. So, I'm try to bring back my mood to read with... rearrange my bookshelves.
Btw, I want to have a book journal but I'm not too creative for them. But, i wanna make my own as a minimalist journal maybe. hehe
Reading slumps are totally normal and I get them too 😊 The last book to actually take me out of a reading slump was the entire Shadow and Bone/Girshaverse series by Leigh Bardugo! Have you read those? I know they've been around for years but I only read them this year since I wanted to know the books before I watched the series on Netflix 😅
I encourage you to go for starting a reading journal. The journal page I included in this post had some.pictures in it but most of the time, I just write my thoughts about the book I read and that's it. Pure minimalist 😊
I only read the Shadow and Bone, but not with the series after it. I read it a long time ago before the series released. And I haven't watched it yet 😂
Thanks for the advice 😊
I think the series was pretty decent 😅
You're welcome! 😊❤🙌
Okay. I'll make time
Wawa man Grizz. Hehe don't be sad, no pressure mana. Hehe 🤗🤗🤗😘❤
In life generally, time is a necessary factor to get things done. If one doesn’t make time for anything then he can’t achieve anything. Priorities matters and you set your priorities right that’s the more reason you can read as much books.
While me, I must confess, I have not completely read a book before in my life. That’s because I didn’t put much interest or do not like reading that much but that has changed since I joined Hive.
I agree with you! It's really all about prioritizing. When made to choose between scrolling social media or reading, I'll often choose reading 😊
And books are always there for when we are ready to pick them up. So glad you are thinking of starting reading 🙌
OMG!! Im super jealous. I'm also a book lover but now I am questioning myself if I'm really one after reading this. PS, your Wordsworth collection is so pretty. 😍
Hehe don't be! Loving books and loving reading makes you a book lover. Period. Hehe matod pa, dili man ang number of books na imong mabasa ang mu matter. No pressure. As long as you're reading for you 💕😊
Because this is such an awesome post, here is a BBH Tip for you.
. Keep up the fantastic work
Thank you! 😊
This sentences that I have always heard from another peoples as though we have more time or implicitly they were said that we have no job so we can wasting the time to reading the books. Oh, I hate that kind of words. So I agree with you about... everyone have time to read, the problem is just, do you want to read or not?! You just have two choices, it is 'find a time' or 'make the time'. That's it!
Oh, I really amaze that you already read that number of books in this year. Meanwhile I just finished 5-8 books of the year. But now I have several books in my waiting list so I can do what you have done. Thank's for your tip.
By the way, your book choices are very interesting. Thank's for sharing you experiences.
Greetings from Indonesia.
Hello, Vivie! Thank you for leaving a comment. It means a lot ❤💕
I support you in your reading list 😊 Go for it, but of course no pressure. Reading should be enjoyable and not a chore 😊❤❤
Reading 5-8 books in a year is awesome 🙌🙏🥳
Some dont have the time, ako kay i dont have the patience. Ahhahaah.
I saw my sister read a lot of books but I never picked it up.
Thats a lot of books you have read!!!
Hehe true, makasabot ra gyud ko 'cause reading is a commitment. Sometimes makahurot jud ug pasensya 😅
Mura'g magkasinabot jud mi sa imong sister @asasiklause hehe but who knows, just like in love life, maybe you'll love reading too when you find "the one" book for you ;) 💕🥳
Hahahhaha. Hugot mn sd di n ang bookreading. Maenjoy ko read ug books if nai mga drawings, mgchange2 ang fonts and photos. Dli kanang plain ra na text. Ahhahaha. Choosy lng pooo. Malingaw ko muread recipe books.
OMG! I think bagay nimo ang "epistolary" type of novels or any types of graphic novels. Hehe I can totally see you loving recipe books, though, for your gastronomic creations. Yehey 🍽🥳
Nice. Mangita nya ko ug mga epistolary na novels. Thanks sa reco. Basin makabasa na jd ko ana. Ahhaahah
One of the key issues for many people these days, they simply do not know how to make time any more. They've succumbed to the Pavlov's Dog training of smart phones, it steals their ability to focus and give engaged attention, rather than passive. Book reading requires engaged attention.
So true. Back when I used social media apps daily, I noticed that it's so easy to lose track of time. You scroll and scroll and little do you know, you've spent an hour on Facebook. Nowadays, I don't really spend time on social media as I used to and instead spend my time reading, that's why I get to read a lot. We save a lot of time when we don't socmed trap us
I must admit to losing a little bit of time here on Hive. Although, at least I get some reward for it in the form of crypto, so it is not time completely lost.
However, I do thoroughly enjoy time away from all of this. The past weekend, I intentionally left my phone at home while out of town. There's an initial bit of nervousness because I don't have all of my data on hand or a means of contacting people. My solution was to prepare myself with written notes of all of information I would need, phone numbers and addresses; good old fashioned paper and pen.
One of the key things that we have lost with mobile phones, is our ability to plan ahead. We now constantly leave arrangements open ended. This contributes to much of the powerlessness that people are now experiencing under certain conditions in the world.
are you thinking of picking up folosofy readin and will that be japanese, greek, chinese philosofers
I'm thinking of starting a Yukio Mishima or a Haruki Murakami book.
I am trying to look for listening books but i feel that is making me dumber with time. I listened to the hyperion series last.
i do hower read on an iPad whenever possible as it is easier because I dont have much place.
I have actually been thinking about picking up philosophy books for quite some time now, but I just don't know where to start yet 😲
I also own one Haruki Murakami book but I haven't started reading it yet. When I do, I'll surely make a post about it to review and share my thoughts 😊
I think listening to audio books is good too if it fits well for the story, but I haven't listened to audiobooks for years now. Just don't give up on it yet 😊😊 I'm sure you'll find another good audio book 🙌
Great thing you have an iPad, you can totally read more through there since it will save you a lot of space. I read ebooks too but only on my phone 😅
Damn, how do you do it, 50 books already this year, I don't think I have read More than 2(I'm lazy to read books, am more of video or audio kind of guy). I respect you on this dear and great post by the way.
Thank you very much! I think I've just read books that are more to my liking that's why I can't get enough 😅 I don't think not reading is lazy though. As you said, you are more of a video or audio person.. so maybe audiobooks will be more to your liking? Hehe anyway, thanks for commenting!
Yeah, I do more of audio books.
I bought the first book in ages recently, critics were nice to it, it's called Project Hail Mary.
Looking forward to reading after 5 years of mostly reading this chain.
oh! I definitely wanted to comment on this, it surprised and amuzed me, really. but I dunno what to say and dont want to leave a skin-deep comment. I totally understand the part about "only this blockchain". (and I even like it!) but the part "looking forward to reading" I love even more.
ps. in my opinion, the temp of life, technology, curriculum vitae - you name it - changed the general mankind patterns, they do not read books "as they did it before". instead they consume TV serials; serials are the new novels.... and I cant say I am happy with this knowledge.
for the last 10 years my reading patterns have changed too -- now I am mostly into non sci-fi genres, history, war history, biographies, nature, architecture etc, stuff like that. and when it comes to fiction, I dont go out researching for new titles / names, I just grab from the shelf my fave oldies when I want to have a good time-spending with a book as my old pal. sorry that I spilled all this verbbosity on you :P
I also own a copy of Project Hail Mary but haven't gotten around to reading it yet. I loved The Martian, though, so I kinda have high expectations for it (PHM).
That's so exciting looking forward to a new book. Yay! 🙌🥳
i'm starting that one too! They say it is even better than martian so I am excited!
The books are different. Not all books can be read in parts. Sometimes a thoughtful reading of an entire chapter is required, especially if it is technical literature. In my social circle, I read quite a lot, about 20-24 books a year, but this year I am lagging behind. Read only 17. I have been reading "Software Engineering at Google" for a month now. But overall you're right, there is always time to read.
I agree! Not all books are equal, so some really take more time to read while others you can just breeze through.
Your current read is interesting--haven't heard of it until now! 17 books is impressive though. Congrats on that 🙌 I appreciate your comment. Thanks!
Oh wow. You have a wonderful collection! ❤️ And yes, time is always a challenge. Sadly, it's easier said than done especially when you have to juggle jobs and responsibilities. Still, I have been planning to read a book this week. And this was finally a SIGN for me to get started. Thank you!! 🙏🙌
Thank you so much 😊🙏 So true, such is the realities of adulting. Hehe but there is always joy in the anticipation of starting a new book. So exciting! Yaayyy 💕🥳🥳🥳
I couldn't agree more! 😊
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Me gusta leer pero ya a la edad que tengo me quedo dormido en dos páginas jaja antes leía un libro en tres días. Me encanta resaltar lo mejor de cada libro, he perdido muchos ya que Suelo estimular a jovenes a leer Y se enamoran de su primer libro.
¡Hola! Gracias por comentar. Yo mismo soy un lector de estados de ánimo... asi que las veces que leo rápido son las veces que me gusta lo que leo. A veces, sin embargo, me lleva semanas incluso terminar de leer un libro porque no lo siento o no estoy de humor para ese libro 😅
(Sorry if this is bad; I relied on Google Translate 😅)
I am not a bookworm but this inspired me to make time to read the books that I have here with me. Have you tried reading "The Monk who Sold His Ferrari"? I read the first half of it and I'm quite guilty because I haven't finished it but it was such a good read. Looking forward to learn more from you😍
Hello, Era. I haven't read that yet but I keep seeing it in recommendations! Would love to include it on my reading list. Hehe thank you so much for sharing 😊💕
I read a book before and i just finish it in few days to know the ending. i see myself no patient on reading it little by little. now i don't read anymore :)
Totally understandable! Reading is a commitment and sometimes we have more important things to do in life than read 😅
Good thing you stuck with the book to know the ending though! Hehe
Manual selection by @qwerrie.
Thank you very much! 🙏🙏🙏
congratulations you have a very good personal record
Thank you! 🙏
I read slow. Huhuhu. So Im really taking down notes. Hehe
Hehe hello, Kach! No pressure! Hehe basta lang you read for you and your enjoyment, keri 😊😊💕💕💕