Reseña de la novela "Ines del Alma Mía"//Autor Isabel Allende//Review of the novel "Ines del Alma Mía"//Author Isabel Allende

in Hive Book Club3 years ago (edited)

¡¡Saludos apreciados amigos de @hivebookclub!!//Greetings dear friends of @hivebookclub!!!!

En esta ocasión les comento la reseña de la novela "Ines del Alma Mía";de la famosa escritora Isabel Allende,es una historia bastante larga,la cual esta basada en hechos que acontecieron en la conquista de Santiago de Chile,su protagonista es Ines Suarez la primera española llegada a Chile y que junto a Pedro Valdivia participo activamente en dicha guerra.

On this occasion I comment the review of the novel "Ines del Alma Mia"; of the famous writer Isabel Allende, is a fairly long story, which is based on events that occurred in the conquest of Santiago de Chile, its protagonist is Ines Suarez the first Spanish arrival in Chile and that along with Pedro Valdivia actively participated in the war.


En su niñez Ines tuvo una vida llena de carencias y trabajo duro como cocinera y costurera,cuando se caso su marido la deja para viajar al nuevo mundo,es allí donde con la idea de buscar a su marido,emprende el camino hacia Peru ,en eso le informan que que su marido murió,y al cabo de un tiempo comienza un romance con Pedro de Valdivia,un héroe de campo del famoso Francisco Pizarro;es allí donde juntos Ines y Valdivia se unen para luchar una guerra contra los indígenas chilenos para construir la nueva ciudad de Santiago de Chile;donde debieron enfrentar varios sucesos bélicos,los cuales son narrados en este libro.

In her childhood Ines had a life full of shortages and hard work as a cook and seamstress, when she married her husband leaves her to travel to the new world, it is there where with the idea of looking for her husband, she sets off to Peru, in that she is informed that her husband died, and after a while she begins an affair with Pedro de Valdivia, a hero of the famous Francisco Pizarro's field; It is there where together Ines and Valdivia join to fight a war against the Chilean Indians to build the new city of Santiago de Chile, where they had to face several warlike events, which are narrated in this book.


Entre los lugares por los que tuvo que pasar el grupo militar de Valdivia esta el camino inca,del Cuzco a Arequipa a tacna y de alli a Arica Y a Tarapaca,continuando por el camino donde se encontraban los incas,durante este viaje de luchas Ines se mostró valiente y decidida,aunque se menciona que fue cruel al dar la orden de decapitar a Quilimalonco y siete indígenas prisiones para dar una lección a sus atacantes.

Among the places through which Valdivia's military group had to pass is the Inca road, from Cuzco to Arequipa to Tacna and from there to Arica and Tarapaca, continuing along the road where the Incas were, during this journey of struggles Ines was brave and determined, although it is mentioned that she was cruel to give the order to decapitate Quilimalonco and seven indigenous prisons to teach a lesson to their attackers.


La historia centra su trama en Ines Suarez en cuya personalidad se deja ver la fuerza,el valor,honor y su ímpetu por luchar en la conquista de Santiago de Chile;se destaco en atender los heridos,y fallecidos,curando sus heridas y dándole esperanzas con palabras alentadoras,llevaba comida y agua a los que combatían,ademas de que también formo parte del grupo militar,en el plano amoroso sus dos grandes amores fueron Rodrigo de Quiroga y Pedro de Valdivia,después de toda la lucha desatada al final de la novela se ve como Ines y Quiroga tratan de consumar su amor en el matrimonio al tratar de casarse a pesar de los inconvenientes y obstáculos que les ponía Valdivia.

The story centers its plot on Ines Suarez whose personality shows strength, courage, honor and her impetus to fight in the conquest of Santiago de Chile; She stood out in attending to the wounded and the dead, healing their wounds and giving them hope with encouraging words, taking food and water to those who fought, besides that she was also part of the military group, in the love life her two great loves were Rodrigo de Quiroga and Pedro de Valdivia, after all the fighting at the end of the novel we see how Ines and Quiroga try to consummate their love in marriage by trying to get married despite the inconveniences and obstacles that Valdivia put in their way.


En mi opinión personal esta es una novela sumamente fascinante,impresionante,a medida que la leía se me hacia mas interesante y llamativa ;en su narrativa de los sucesos,y la actuación de los protagonistas se puede observar que la magia y la realidad se mezclan,haciéndose mas atractiva,algo muy importante es que se deja ver el lado feminista,el papel que desempeña la mujer en la lucha por la historia de las conquistas;sinceramente volvería a hojear esta novela ya que la manera de presentar los hechos me hicieron involucrarme mucho con el desarrollo de la misma.

In my personal opinion this is a very fascinating novel, impressive, as I read it I became more interesting and striking, in his narrative of the events, and the performance of the protagonists can be seen that magic and reality are mixed, making it more attractive, something very important is that you can see the feminist side, the role played by women in the struggle for the history of the conquests, sincerely I would return to browse this novel as the way of presenting the facts made me get involved much with the development of the same.


Traductor usado Deepl.

Imagenes editadas en Pic-Collage.

Used translator Deepl.

Images edited in Pic-Collage.



Inés del alma mia sigue en la lista de espera, pero me has animado a sacarlo de allí!Isabel Allende es una maravilla! Tiene una manera de trasmitir la historia que logra atraparte sin dudar, sus libros son geniales, porque además de entretenidos están delicadamente narrados, cada frase escrita con mucho cuidado y llena de detalle. Me gusta mucho encontrarme con gente que aprecie a esta increíble autora @labeba1969 gracias por compartir esta reseña, yo me intento guardar sus libros para momentos especiales y leerlos placenteramente,

No he leído esa novela pero se ve muy interesante amiga gracias por darnos tu resumen me encanto

Gracias @sandracast,por visitar mi blog.

I wonder, is Isabel Allende really famous in your country?

Hello my personal opinion is that in Venezuela there are many famous writers such as Arturo Urlar Pietri, Teresa de la Parra, Gabriel Garcia Marquez and others, who are valued in our country as writers of high rank.

That's really cool! those are really foreign and I have to read their works in the future. Thanks for mentioning them.

Also @macchiata Allende lived in venezuela More than 10 year and worked on a very famous newspaper, in fact when you read her first novel that she wrote while living there you can capture some winks from venezuela's customs

Buena referencia dato que no sabia gracias por tu comentario.