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RE: 'Uncanny X-Men' Volume Nine Review: The story continues to weaken

in Hive Book Club • 2 months ago

My friend said you're so cool for having to do this daily and consistently 🤣 He aspires to be like you are and wondered how you could write and read so fast.

 2 months ago  

Most comic volumes don't take long to read through at all. Maybe 10 - 15 minutes while still actually taking in the art in each panel. Some can be more dialogue heavy and it can take a little longer. It doesn't take long to read through one at a time. In one evening I'll easy read through three or four (volumes) in one sitting. And if I'm really into the story then writing about it is a lot of fun. So the same thing ends up happening: I can write a few review posts in a row.

I didn't do reviews of each volume to begin with, I would just write a single review based on the entire comic itself, but that often requires the series to have finished entirely or to leave out a lot of my thoughts per volume. I think that's harder to do without going overboard and writing an entire essay. Per volume also helps me remember and think about each volume and its events, I think it's nicer to reflect on them that way.

The writing side of it can take a bit longer though. Maybe 20 - 30 minutes. Usually if I see a cool panel, whether in the art or just funny, I'll take a screenshot while reading. But this side of it isn't for Hive necessarily, it's just that I really like the art and want to keep the pose or style saved to return to later as I like drawing. So the reading side of comics is also helping me grow as an artist. It just so happens that I can use those screenshots in the posts too.

If your friend wants to write about comics, tell them I said they should start doing it! It'd be nice to see more comics posts here, and they don't have to do it (almost) daily or per volume like me. :^)