Marx states that religion is the opium of the people. This state of stillness to a certain extent is pleasant, times have changed, the promise of revolution never came, decades passed and the only truth that came was the advent of capitalism. It is impossible to know the whole truth, they are only brushstrokes of the truth, reassuring and the order it generates and the places that each one occupies, that is the triumph of power when it is normalized. Even resistance confirms the state of affairs, where power always remains power.
Tener que gobernar es una tensión constante y cada gobierno crea su propia verdad para crear su propia historia, cuando se visualizar la verdad se vuelve mas fácil disponer el lugar de cada uno, Focault demuestra que todo es poder, uno todo el tiempo se puede narrar como gran revolucionario, pero con la mentes despejada, el poder se disemina, para cambiar toda las perspectiva. La verdad no es tan clara donde esta ubicada, puesto que muestran estructuras totalmente novedosas que no permiten esclarecer la verdad y tampoco saber con que estamos peleando, un partido político, los empresarios o los extraterrestres.
Having to govern is a constant tension and each government creates its own truth to create its own history, when the truth is visualized it becomes easier to arrange the place of each one, Focault shows that everything is power, one can tell all the time as a great revolutionary, but with a clear mind, power spreads, to change all perspectives. The truth is not so clear where it is located, since they show totally new structures that do not allow us to clarify the truth and neither know what we are fighting with, a political party, businessmen or aliens.
La respuesta que uno anticipa es muy difícil contestar quien la tiene. Esta fragmentada, diversificada, esta en todos pero en nadie. Visto desde esta perspectiva el ejercicio cotidiano va a seguir ejerciéndose desde la oscuridad, unos las buscan otros solo se conforman. Las filosofías de genero, la lucha social todos quieren tener su verdad, configurar emancipador-amente mostrados ejercicios de poder que no pueden ser leídos, desde las estructuras políticas tradicionales. Claramente empiezan con un abuso, asesinato, todo es relativo. A todo esto ¿Con que verdad nos quedamos?
The answer that one anticipates is very difficult to answer who has it. It is fragmented, diversified, it is in everyone but in no one. Seen from this perspective, the daily exercise will continue to be exercised from the dark, some look for them, others only conform. The philosophies of gender, the social struggle all want to have their truth, to configure emancipatory-amente displayed exercises of power that cannot be read, from the traditional political structures. Clearly they start with an abuse, murder, everything is relative. To all this, what truth are we left with?
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