Don't wake up review, a thriller that will keep you awake!(ENG/ESP)

I finished this thriller last night that I guarantee will keep you awake all night, the author specializes in thrillers set in a hospital setting, so if you love Grey's anatomy I recommend it, I love medical drama style series and books. Anyway, speaking of the book, the protagonist Alex is an esteemed doctor who one day wakes up from her nap in an operating room, with her legs open, unable to move and with a sadistic doctor who threatens her, she falls asleep again and then wakes up in the hospital, no one thinks that something happened to her, no one believes her version, everyone thinks that she is just stressed and overworked, even her boyfriend doubts her. But Alex knows what she has experienced and even if sometimes her sanity wavers she is truly convinced that someone has kidnapped her and tortured her in an operating room. Furthermore, misfortunes continue to happen around her, other women are attacked and killed in an escalation of cruelty and death. It's one of those thrillers that keeps you glued to the pages because you want to find out the end, not at all banal. The character has a good characterization and grows with the book as the tension grows on each page. Highly recommended for lovers of the genre, I stayed very late just to finish it because I was so involved! There is everything you need for a thriller, suspicious deaths, suspicious characters, a police investigation and growing tension and fear. I have already ordered another book by the same author online that I can't wait to read!

Terminé este thriller anoche que te garantizo que te mantendrá despierto toda la noche, el autor se especializa en thrillers ambientados en entornos hospitalarios, así que si te encanta Grey's Anatomy te lo recomiendo, me encantan las series y libros estilo drama médico. Sin embargo, hablando del libro, la protagonista Alex es una estimada doctora que un día se despierta de su siesta en un quirófano, con las piernas abiertas, sin poder moverse y con un médico sádico que la amenaza, se vuelve a dormir para luego despertar en el hospital, nadie piensa que le ha pasado algo, nadie cree en su versión, todos piensan que solo está estresada y con exceso de trabajo, incluso su novio duda de ella. Pero Alex sabe lo que ha vivido y, aunque a veces su cordura flaquea, está realmente convencida de que alguien la secuestró y la torturó en un quirófano. Además, a su alrededor siguen sucediendo desgracias, otras mujeres son atacadas y asesinadas en una escalada de crueldad y muerte. Es uno de esos thrillers que te mantienen pegado a las páginas porque quieres saber el final, nada banal. El personaje tiene buena caracterización y crece con el libro a medida que crece la tensión en cada página. Muy recomendable para los amantes del género, me tarde mucho en terminarlo ya que estaba muy metido! Hay todo lo que necesitas para un thriller: muertes sospechosas, personajes sospechosos, una investigación policial y una tensión y un miedo crecientes. ¡Ya pedí otro libro del mismo autor en línea y no puedo esperar a leer!

First picture edited by canva, translation with deepl.


Great job, so nice of you, keep it up a good job.

marilourHi @noemilunastorta, based on your review, it is a temptation and invitation to read this book. I am not frequently transiting through this genre, however, it could be. Hospitals, are in themselves very persecuted scenarios for this type of plot because in these enclosures the most unthinkable things can happen. I tell you that I work in one of them. Thanks for your well-spun recommendation, I will keep it in mind in my selections. Until another time, health and well-being !LUv !HUG !LADY #hivebookclub

Hola @noemilunastorta, en base a tu reseña, es una tentación e invitación a leer este libro. No transito frecuentemente por este género, sin embargo, podría ser. Los hospitales, son de por sí escenarios muy perseguidos para este tipo de tramas porque en estos recintos pueden suceder las cosas más impensables. Te lo digo yo, que trabajo en uno de ellos. Gracias por tu recomendación tan bien hilada, la tendré en cuenta en mis selecciones. Hasta otra, salud y bienestar.

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I worked too in a hospital ❤️❤️ well I did there my sixth months internship as a nurse assistant maybe that why I'm fascinated by medical TV show and book ❤️

Ohhh what a coincidence. So you perceive what I mean. There is a lot of talk about certain hospital spaces right? Myth...the truth is that whether or not they cause the events, we avoid them. Often our affinities can remain predominant in our subconscious and be the driving threads of our conscious preferences and assiduities. Until another time, health and well-being.

marilour #hivebookclub

Ohhh que casualidad. Así que percibes lo que quiero decir. Se habla mucho de ciertos espacios hospitalarios ¿verdad? Mito...lo cierto es que sean o no causantes de los sucesos, los evitamos. A menudo nuestras afinidades pueden permanecer predominantes en nuestro subconsciente y ser los hilos conductores de nuestras preferencias y asiduidades conscientes. Hasta otra ocasión, salud y bienestar.

The way you summarize the story, I thought it would be a good read. I love suspicious stories. It makes you involved with the characters. 😅

Thanks 💞💞

I read this book around 3 years back and I rates it a 3/5 stars. I did not a write a review then so cannot remember my opinions on it

Well I agree with you it's not a masterpiece but I think 3 or 4 it's ok. I like it ❤️

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I'm impressed with how you describe that opening scene of Alex waking up in the operating room... How claustrophobic and disturbing. The premise of no one believing him, not even his partner, gives it a brutal psychological twist. I was curious...

It's really a nice and scary plot you must read it ❤️❤️