Manga? I do not consume this sort of stuff at all. The first manga book that fell into my hands in 2001 (pretty accidentally!) - I can't show photos or give its title - I found in apartment that our publishing house have rented. Before we moved in, it was rented by a Japanese woman, who - at moving out - left a pile of her things, including several Japanese books (we were truly amused to see how different they were to the European ones), and one thick volume of manga printed on very rough thick yellow paper. Of course, this was not an adapted manga, Russian or English translation was simply out of the question - it contained only pics and Japanese hieroglyphs, nothing was understandable even at 3%. That time I got acquainted 1st time with 'manga' (and for the most part I did not like it... but it interested me). Only much later I found out that there are a great variety of styles in Manga-land...
Today I might be interested in the original Manga that served as the source for the film adaptations (which I just got acquainted with, and liked a lot) - for example, 'Ghost in the shell' or 'Nausika from Valley of Wind'.
I was like you who think that manga has quite limited style and artwork. But that was because I was only reading certain types of manga. After some explorations, honestly, there are certain style that I like for example that one and Solo Leveling. I also wanted to re-read One Piece again. Growing up, I read them in quite disorderly manner that I couldn't grasp the story.