JANUARY BOOK REVIEW CONTEST | Sapiens. From animals to gods

in Hive Book Club4 years ago

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Hey @rafabvr me alegra que hayas participado. La verdad es un libro muy interesante y me has despertado la curiosidad de leer. Existen muchas teorías de la evolución humana pero ese libro según lo que cuentas despierta esa parte crítica y ese interés de cuestionar por qué pasaron así las cosas... Excelente reseña.. abrazos!

I love the layout of your post -- simple and elegant. nice!

This one has been on my maybe list for awhile now. I might have to give it a go.

hey! this is an intresting, notable a mention book... BUT it is questionable. not the top league. I have added my opinion it here. have a pleasure to check it too? thanks in advance!

I was actually looking at this book few days ago in an online shop as I was searching for a different one. Thank you for this review. The more I search them more I want to get it :)

@ewkaw, I added my opinion it here. do have a time to check it please. this is an intresting, notable a mention book... BUT it is questionable. not the top league. too popular. so, it depends on your level and background - some folks will definitely find it intresting, others will consider a skin-deep.

was a pleasure for me to notice you in this thread! are you an avid book lover?..

Thanks I read it :)
Good to see some more critical opinions as well.
I suppose the book is for common reader to get to know the topic better. I do not expect a scientific paper from it. Having it written in simpler language makes it more accessible then. Maybe that was the purpose? To reach to wider audience.

I used to read a lot more. Lack of time now I guess and limited access to books in Polish ;)

I suppose the book is for common reader to get to know the topic better.

exactly. and not at all so. its definitely a 'simplification' of hard questions - but a load of fresh and unusual angles and point of views. it ruins well-established routines, and displays we (folks of XX century) live in the world of fantasies... and a lot of other generations used to it, too, they just had a different fantasies they were fighting for... that is extremely intresting reading (thats why it become a bestseller, sure thing), just... intelligent thinkful reader should be cautious and dont take all of it as 100% truth, a critical approach is needed too. I will try to suggest it to my babygirl, she dont like her history textbook (which is 200% stupid, indeed).

ruins well-established routines.

I think that is good. Makes you wonder and hopefully look further to more intellectually demanding sources I guess. Either way it shows new way of looking at things, or only cements the things you know.

does the Polish translation of the book exist? (I found two (!) Russian different translations ;)))

Yes it does :) I already looked at it online.

I'm also looking forward to read it. 😁 thanks for sharing

hey! I added my opinion on it here, too. you may check the other point of view ;=)

I only read the first few chapters of this book. I don't know why I stopped reading. Normally, when I stop reading means the book feels a bit boring to me

Normally, when I stop reading means the book feels a bit boring to me

haha! thats an indicator....
I added my opinion here, too. have a pleasure to check it? this book is, actually, questionable.

На эту книгу масса положительных рецензий (думаю, не ошибусь, предположив что 95% отзывов - хвалебные!). Что конечно само по себе - повод задуматься о уровне современного читателя, лол. Изложение ориентировано на массового читателя. Читать может простая домохозяйка. Подача мыслей удивляет своей простотой. Однако...

Книга впечатлила только до 100 страницы, пока имела место четкая хронология событий, пока перечислялись интересные исторические и биологические открытия. Затем началась каша! автор миксовал воедино несовместимое ("оригинальный угол зрения на вещи", о да!) и прыгал как мартовский заяц от одного события к другому, в одном параграфе соединяя совершенно не связанные вещи.

В некоторых вопросах автор был чересчур эмоционален. В некоторых местах автор жонглирует историческими фактами, когда некоторые из них уже давно научно опровергнуты (подтасовка фактов под "интересную историю"?) . Религиозные вопросы - сложная тема! - автор предлагает своё скоропалительное и поверхностное мнение, не углубившись в историю религий. (Упрощает для домохозяек!)

Совсем не раскрыта тема, как все же появилось расслоение людей на бедных и богатых, когда-то ходили собиратели дружно, а людям захотелось осесть, появилась аграрная революция, а с ней богатые и бедные. Очень много спорных вопросов. Книга сумбурна, в конце концов -- обо всем и ни о чем.

There exist hundreds of positive reviews for this book (I think I won't be mistaken, assuming that 95% of them are laudatory!). Which, of course, in itself is a reason to think about the level of the contemporary readers and reading, lol... This story presentation is aimed at a common reader -- even a simple housewife can read it with pleasure. The way of thinking and facts given surprise in their simplicity. But...

The book impressed me only up to first 100 pages, while there was a clear chronology of events, while interesting historical and biological discoveries were listed. Then - some "mish-mash" began! The author have mixed together the incompatible ("the original point of view on things", hell yeah!) and was jumping like a March hare from one event to another, combining completely unrelated things in one paragraph.

The author was overly emotional on some issues. In some places, the author juggles with historical facts, when some of them have long been scientifically disproved (manipulation of facts for getting the story "more interesting"?). Religious issues are a difficult topic! The author offered his hasty and superficial opinion without delving into the history of religions. ("A simplified version for housewives!")

The key topic of how the stratification of people into poor and rich appeared, once the gatherers walked together, and people wanted to settle down, the agrarian revolution appeared, and with it the rich and the poor. And there are much more controversial issues in it... The book is messy, after all - its about everything at once, and about nothing in particular.

thank you for your time and attention!