Hello Friends as A Lover Of Books I Am Here To Share One Of My Story About The influence student can go through in school when associated with bad friends.
The tittle of the story is THE DELUSION
A blue cab chugged to a stop at the university of Kosi main gate. A dark skinny girl of about twenty old stepped out looking fabulous. She wore a white overall flowing gown, crew cut hair style with black mule shoes.l, clutching a black handbag on her left hand. She gave the driver fare and walked to the trunk to remove her luggage, the cab reversed and drove away.
The road was tarred and at the left was a security post painted white with green flowers planted in front with four security men standing at the entrance.
She walked hectically towards the school premises and paused looking bemused.
Wondering on how to locate the faculty of law for her registration.
Luckily, a fair young man coming behind her, he wore a flimsy summer native dress,she quickly stopped him.
" Hi, I am Egor, a novice in this institution" she muttered, looking scared as she spoke with a thin voice.
"I am Dewey a jambite he muttered. He spoked in a molted voice and gave a gummy smile that revealed his glittering gap teeth. They shook hand briefly. He was staring at her unbored ears and crew cut hair style.
"It's nice meeting you, I don't know how to locate Faculty Of Law so that I can process my necessary registration she said." "Really! That's where I am going to, wait what the meaning of Egor Dewey asked smiling. Egor means Joy and Joy is my English name.
I'll be calling you Joy not Egor Right! Dewey said softly. "Okay no problem she nodded.
It happened that Dewey and Joy were going the same direction and where offering the same course. The did all the necessary registration and headed for lectures.
They dashed into the lecture hall and sat at the front row.after some minutes a dark short man came in,he Introduced himself as doctor Etta and wrote the topic on the board.
"Who was the famous Student Of Socrates?" Dr Etta asked, facing his Student. He asked again smiling, most student were looking at each other Silently.
" I will try sir Joy said softly, she was shaking as she raised her hands.
Stand up and try my beautiful daughter Dr Etta said gently.
Sir Plato was the famous Student of Socrates while Aristotle was the famous Student if Plato she answered.
That's good-wonderful you are correct ,what is your name he asked. My name is Egor Joy she replied quickly.
You were not in my class last week right?
Yes sir I resumed today she replied softly.
How come you know about Socrates, Aristotle and Plato?
I read many philosophy book while waiting for admission. Everyone admired her.
That good keep it up sit down he said smiling.
Let's continue he said. After the lecture he gave them assignment to submit the next day by 12 noon.
How are we going to submit 15 pages of assignment some Student muttered?
The best thing to do now is to go get some textbook in the library and do the assignment Joy said.
They went to the library and they were scanning for philosophy textbook, suddenly Dewey heard his name from behind and he turned quickly.
Long time no see where have you been? They hugged each other in excitement. It's a long story Joy meet Ben my secondary school friend Dewey Introduced, grinning.
Ben extended his hand and gave Joy a slay handshake. " The pleasure is mine. You are looking beautiful, Dewey is so lucky to have such a beautiful girl like you. I am in level 300 of computer science, Ben said smiling.
Dewey what are you doing here? Ben asked, we are here to do an assignment philosophy and logic and you? I am here for a nap Ben replied.
Library is the only place any one can enjoy free Ben said, Joy and Dewey looked at themselves in amusement.
By the way who is taking you guys on philosophy? Ben asked, Dr Etta Dewey answered.
Dr Etta is my Man, so there's no need disturbing yourselve doing the assignment, I will meet him personally and Introduce you to him.
Joy was busy listening to them as she was writing.
Ben whispered something to Dewey's ear and he scribbled something in a scrap paper and handed it over to Ben.
I hope you are still having my number in your phone Dewey asked softly.....