"Yes." Ben Replied replied, nodding his head. I will give you a call today or tomorrow Ben said. Dewey nodded, smiling they shooked hands and Ben walked away.
Ben was a tall dark young man with a heavy dark beard, he wore a blue pair of Jean trouser with a tight white T-shirt, a brown hiking boots and the dark sunglasses and he bored his here and wore earrings and breaded his back hand with tattoo.
I Don't like him joy was sounding Hollowed.
Why Do You Dislike Him, Dewey Asked Softly, he looks so arrogant and unholy, Dewey busted into a scornful laughter remember the Bible says you shouldn't judge. Joy melted and remained speechless.
Dewey went home and left joy at the library after some hours she finished her assignment and went back to her hotel room.
The hostel room door was wide open with blue and white cotton flowers hanging on the doorand windows, two ladies were lying on the bed facing each other.
She walked in and slammed the door "good afternoon all" Joy greeted her roommate and she went in, "good afternoon too" they replied too.
Quickly she moved flickering and slammed into her bed.
The room was decorated in a nice way flowers, low vital forms, pillow, multicolored bed sheet.
At a corner packed a heap of foot wears and batch on the wall hung different bags.
Ada And Rose Where Joy's roommate, lying down on their beds and fiddling their phones.
Alhaji Musa Muhammad is coming to pick us up by 7: O'clock, now is 6:40 p.m. let's start dressing up Ada muttered. You are Right let's start Rose replied, they stood up and started dressing.
Joy are you coming with us? Ada asked, I was sent to study my books and come out with a good certificate not partying "Joy replied harshly"
Born-again born-again they Chorused giggling seriously and loudly. They were set for Alhaji Musa to come Ada wore a black mini skirt with a sleeveless blue blouse while Rose wore a blue tight jean trouser with a white show me your back top.
Few minutes later a dark Jeep crawled to stop in front of the hospital they went in and the car drove off it was alhaji Musa joy pick her phone from her blue plastic table and Dailed Dewey's number.
Dewey was about to say something suddenly Ben call came in and he quickly up.
Guy where are you? Ben asked. I am at home just relaxing Dewey mumbled, I just want to inform you that I have met doctor Etta concerning your assignment and I gave him all your necessary details. Dewey jumped nearly touching the white-painted ceiling thank you Ben Dewey appreciated ok we shall see tomorrow morning Dewey said smiling ok no problem Ben replied and hung up the call....
The next day Dewey was walking towards the hostel and Ben was coming in front of him with a young man they shook hands and greeted, Meet my friend Peter, Peter meet my friend Dewey Ben introduced they shook hands smiling and glaring at each other.
The pleasure is mine Dewey said mine too thanks Peter replied.
Peter was a Tall young guy he wore a white Jean and a red T-shirt it is a long chain and dark sunglasses.
*Where are you going to Ben asked? I'm going to be hostel to call Joy for evangelism Dewey replied. Can we Accompany you Ben Asked? Sure why not let's go."
Joy saw them from afar through her window I can't allow this boy to know my room, she carried her Bible from the table and dashed into the compound and met them she wore a long yellow skirt and a pink blouse hi Joy we are late the Dewey said, sorry I overslept she apologized, "ok" Dewey replied.