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RE: Confessions of the Damaged 1.1 by I+Everything

“I found myself noting the similarities between my own existence and the flow of the ocean, the bird that sits outside the window, the wind blowing the curtains back and forth…”

I loved this, It was exactly what I was going for! The distinction we make between living and non-living, human cognition vs. that of other animals, makes sense for us to go about our day, but it’s so clearly incomplete.

Life is full of so many patterns, and many of these patterns don’t give clear evidence but still hint at the possibility that consciousness is everywhere, it interacts in ways that go beyond our 5 senses, and that life speaks to us.

The timing that I saw your post was one of those interesting synchronistic moments. I had posted an explanation of my new EP on instagram that I hoped would generate some interest around it among IRL friends and the algorithm wasn’t having any of it. I posted at 6:30 instead of 7:30 so engagement was down to 1/4 from a few weeks ago and I was pulling out my nonexistent hair at the ridiculousness of these systems.

I quieted my mind and just accepted that there is more at play then just algorithms and trusted that my work would reach the people it was meant to reach or to serve it’s purpose in allowing me to grow and evolve. Then someone said they might want to use my songs in a theater production (Lo-fi as they may be) and then right before I went to sleep I saw your posts which were a clear sign to me that the algorithms are a distraction and that 10 likes instead of 40 doesn’t really mean anything with regard to true impact and relevance. It only measures a single avenue, not even necessarily the most important one, as someone else talking about your work can be 10x more powerful than talking about your own work.

Thank you so much for letting my stories reverberate out a little further ❤️

Also I think I mentioned it before but I hope we can chat somewhere. Feel free to reach out anywhere or give me your social media or discord or whatever


Sorry for my way slow response homie!

I'm so so SO happy that you liked my review AND that it could boost your mood during a rough algorithm time!! It took me a bit to organize what I wanted to say because I found such an incredible amount in this read- so much in fact that I've read it twice now 😄 will def be back to read the other parts when I have some time!

It's fantastic that you are staying positive and trucking along creating awesome stuff. It's beautifully ironic that your words made me think on how success shouldn't always be measured by the markers that society puts the most weight on, which gave me some space to give myself grace and celebrate the things that I find joy in... Then my take on your writing was able to spread that back around to you 💚🙌! It's beyond cool that we can lift each other up through different yet similar stuff that we all face!

I have a strong feeling that you'll get a lot of breakthroughs as time goes on; all of the various content you create is truly unique and I believe quite needed in the world! ✊

Speaking of which, is your EP available outside of Insta? I don't use any social media other than Hive and YouTube but would love to give it a listen! I do have discord also, my sn is grindan with a _ at the beginning and end (that turns into markdown on here 😂). I think I'm in your sever on there 🤔, will pop over to check and send ya a friend request!

Keep being rad and bright hearted my friend, I'm certain that your work goes so far beyond what any number ticker could show! 💗
