Review of (aj himur biye) part 1 by author Humayun Ahmed

in Hive Book Club3 years ago

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Friends, I hope all is well with you. I'll be reviewing one of your best writers, Humayun Ahmed, today. Himu's Marriage Today is the book's Bengali title. A persona by the name of Himu can be seen here. In addition, Humayun Ahmed has published a lot of novels about Himu. I'll gradually expose each book to you. Every book contains a lovely and humorous story. You'll love reading these, for sure. So I'll now begin writing.

A few words about Himu's character

Author Humayun Ahmed created the Himu character in the book and identified with the character while creating it. Himuke will be seen wearing a yellow panjabi while walking the streets in your novel. The feet won't be wearing sandals. Both eating and drinking will be improper. a persona without a home. Doesn't that sound really Now let's get into more detail.

Book name - Aj himur biye
part - 1
Author - Humayun Ahmed

Humayun Ahmed, a renowned author of fiction, developed the character Himu. Mayurakshi is the first book in the Himu series (1990). In the Himu series, Himu Biye is now the 16th book.source

You'll read at the start of the book that Majeda's aunt called Himu, and it is improbable that Majeda's aunt doesn't know who. Majeda Khala appears in all of Himu Samgar's works. Aunt asks Himu, "Where are you?" when she calls. Your wedding is today, so hurry up. Himu responds, "I don't know about my marriage today," in shock. Aunt confirmed your engagement. The woman you will marry is confined inside the house by me. Then Himu questioned, "Why did you lock him?" In response, Aunt Majeda said that she had failed in love and was a heroin addict. He was picked up by Majeda Khala from Kamalapur railway station in Dhaka city after becoming inebriated as a result of failing in love. After bringing the girl from the train station, Aunt Majeda locked the girl inside the room.

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Majeda's aunt calls the young woman while speaking to Himu. The girl's name is Renu, and when speaking with Himu on the phone, the girl verbally attacks Himu. claims that if you marry me, I'll strangle you to death. After a period of speaking, Renu threw the phone to the floor.

After some time, Majeda aunty gave Himu a call once more and informed her that you could see the girl's rage. Because I'm part Bengali and half English, I get so angry. Himu responded, "Half Bengali, half English," after being taken aback. The girl's mother is Bengali and her father is American, Aunt Majeda said. How did you know this, Himu questioned? Himu receives a response from Majeda aunt, who claims that your aunt is quite friendly with the girl's father and is well acquainted with her. In other words, the girl's father won't be able to comment on her. Khalu was then informed by Himu Majeda that he would not make a decent spouse for Khalu. Khalu won't wed the female who is with me either. In response to the aunt's response, he added, "You should depart peacefully. It is my job."

After some time, Mazeda called Himu once more. But Himu had a phone conversation with her aunt. She is urged to move quickly and go in front of the home by her irritated aunt. In front of the residence is where the girl's boyfriend is seated. While rushing there, Himu is unable to observe anyone. Where did the man who was here go? Himu queries his aunt. Majeda auntie said that the man came and the cops picked him up after she phoned her uncle and the police. Where is the girl, Himu inquired as she entered the home? When she saw them, why didn't that girl say anything? The girl is strong, the aunt responds. No such response was displayed. When Himu asked where the girl was, the aunt replied that she was sitting in the living room.

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Himu visits him there and strikes up a humorous chat with him. I had a great time listening to them. If you wish, you can listen. He also kicks Himu out of the house since he was provoking him. Himu bolted from there in a hurry. Otherwise, Renu vowed to bite and rip off Himu's ears.👻👻👻

How does he feel about the girl, his aunt enquired? Himu remarked the girl has a gorgeous face, but I haven't done anything to take care of her. Then Majeda aunt revealed that the girl is the owner of a three-story apartment building. You will rent two apartments and reside on one floor. And that apartment's rent will support your family. After being shocked by my aunt's remarks, I went to see the girl once again. Even though the girl wasn't allowed to see me, she did. I was instructed by the female to get a pack of smokes. Give me money, I pleaded. The youngster claimed she didn't have enough cash to buy a pack of smokes. I refused.

Himu will meet the girl's parents after leaving the residence. The girl's mother is ill in the hospital, and the girl's father resides in America. From the aunt, he obtained the address of his future mother-in-law and obtained 500 rupees for the wedding. He exited with cash and an address. then went to the store and purchased a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. After returning home, he gave the girl the pack of cigarettes. The young lady thanked him. Himu instructed him to purchase smokes at 100 rupees. Himu received 100 rupees in cash from Renu. Then he yelled, "Get lost," to the girl's face.


How did you find the story's opening act? I enjoy every book and short story Humayun Ahmed has ever written. I'm going to give you the first chapter of a novel today. The story of this work will be divided into 8 pieces and presented to you in 7 further volumes. Everyone should remain healthy and happy until then. I'll see you later, bye.