It is a while since I read this book, but I think I need to read the whole series again some time. My better half re-reads them a lot. Death features a lot in the books and is a great character. When I saw this post I thought of @bil.prag as he told me a while ago that his user name was influenced by this book. I got to meet him at Hivefest.
Nice review. I hope to see more from you.
LOLs i had the same conversation with @bil.prag hence i mentioned him in the text.
Glad you enjoyed the review; it was fun to write. A break from the usual mundane stuffs. I think i will keep writing them. I haven't gotten through all of Pratchett's books yet, but last year I decided to start in order and read the ones i missed. This one was great, but my favourites are those featuring the watch and the witches!
I think I have read just about all his books, including the non-Discworld ones. There is a biography of him that I may read too. I met him once at a convention many years ago.

Steeve! You are one lucky guy! You met the main dude himself! What was he like? I'm fan girling out here and have to stop myself from asking too many questions! And no I did not ask any of them in an a high pitched over excited time, lol.
I only had a few seconds with him when getting a book signed, but he was friendly to everyone. This was at a place that made pottery figurines of the characters and we were able to paint our own. That is the only such convention we have been to.
Still pretty cool. Books signed is an amazing plus! And you got a pic! So some fun memories! Maybe I'll get my turn in the next life!